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Pittwater Sunday morning 27th


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Just got in. Trolled and downrigged live yakkas from Palm beach through/around the moorings - Palmy, Careel bay, Clareville, Newport and around Scotland Island. Nothing, not a touch. Beautiful morning though, just a little breezy..

I'm close to giving up on Pittwater and just working the harbour, it sounds much more productive.


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It wasn't just Pittwater that wasn't producing today.

I left the tinnie at home today, it was looking too breezy for me (but in the end, it wasn't so bad).

So instead I hit the rocks at Barrenjoey. In the big low tide, I figured I'd walk right out to the end. V rough and it took about 30 minutes rock hopping to get out there.

I passed some guys who had bream and a snapper in their bucket, the product of chicken gut and sardines.

The northern corner of the rock shelf out at the end had lots of fish biting, but the fishing was hard due to wind and waves washing line into the rocks, and I didn't like the look of the waves' break at the rockface, so I went over the south side where the waves were breaking along the rockface, not straight into it.. There was a guy there spinning with metal slices, he landed one or two good tailor or small kingies. I fished with squid under a float, and had just one solid hook up (lost when my reel popped a gear!)(note to self: set drag before casting!!).

As the tide started to come in, I thought I'd better get off the rocks, and had a few casts here and there as I came in. Managed a small black drummer which took a #4 hook right next to the rock in about 1 meter of water.

I chatted with several guys on beach, none had caught much. Some fisho's there had left a shovel nose shark up on the beach, and also left a real mess of line (with undersized flathead still attached) in the beach. :ranting2: This is the kind of thing that will get us kicked off beaches, so I threw the fish back in and took the line off the beach and felt happy about leaving it neater than I found it even if I was fishless.

Loads and loads of dolphins in the surf, very close in, and at times riding the waves with the surfers. Very cool, but it might explain why no fish were biting.

On my way home, I stopped at Careel Bay for a quick flick for flatties on plastics. The tide was high and the water very cloudy, so I figured the flatties might be in. And on the last cast before I had to go: presto: a 43cm flatty for the table.

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Just got in. Trolled and downrigged live yakkas from Palm beach through/around the moorings - Palmy, Careel bay, Clareville, Newport and around Scotland Island. Nothing, not a touch. Beautiful morning though, just a little breezy..

I'm close to giving up on Pittwater and just working the harbour, it sounds much more productive.


No doubt the fishing inside Pittwater can be tough...I go out there in my yak quite a bit and pick up most of my keeper fish on the troll, or chasing surface bust ups...there's been more dud trips than memorable ones...I'd imagine the heavy commercial fishing has given the place a hammering since they were moved out of the harbour.

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Any good spots for squid? I've heard that in tight against the rocks at west head is good, but I've never managed any there. I did get some squid way down deep (something like 25m) at the drop-off that runs from Mackeral Beach across to Careel Bay. They had grabbed some livies that I had down there to see if any jewies were down there, and I managed to get two out of five of them into my boat without a squid-jig - so they came home to the table. It was in the middle of the day when I caught them so deep.

Any other productive spots?

also, do you use a down rigger, and if so, how deep?

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