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Hey raiders,

i haven't tried much for mullet lately but i have never had any success. I was just wondering if anyone could give me a basic landbased rig i can use to catch mullet in the 30-40cm range. Tips on catching poddies would be great too!

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For large Mullet - burley is essential in getting them close to you and in the mood to feed. A floating burley is best as it drifts aways and calls more fish over. It will also allow you to see when the mullet start homing in for a feed. To make a float burley, simply cut up sliced white bread into cubes about 2cm square and then leave in the sun to dry up completely. This will ensure the pieces float for a long time and it will take the mullet more effort to eat it. Just present a bait under a small bubble type float on about a 10 - 30 cm piece of leader. Use a light line aroung 2kg and small fine wire short shank hooks around size 10 - 12. The best baits include the soft part of fresh white bread, chilled cooked fat spaggetti pasta (salted and with a light spray of vegitable oil )or a soft doe containing a little vegitable oil, salt and chopped blackfish weed as extra flavouring.

Best of mulleting.

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I uaually get the poddies from narrabeen lake using simple poddie traps and bread , pretty easy just set the trap in the shallows then read the paper for 20 minutes. Go and check thetraps and usually there will be poddies in them. The warmer months like now are much better , usually you can find them first by walking up and down the shoreline.


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I usually park on the southern side of the pittwater road bridge. Around Jameson Park there are shallow sand banks scattered, thats where I have caught them in the past. But there are also heaps at the carpark near the mouth at north narrabeen beach , just the current gets pretty fast as the tide moves in and out so it can be a bit difficult. But there are plenty all through the lake so maybe go for a drive at a few places and see what you can.


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