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How many people can I have in my boat?


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I'm wondering how many people I'm legally allowed to have in my boat. Normally I only have one or two.

Going off the sticker on my boat? Is it 5 like the top of the sticker says or 4 like the bottom of the sticker says?

I'm unsure which I'm meant to be reading.

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I'm wondering how many people I'm legally allowed to have in my boat. Normally I only have one or two.

Going off the sticker on my boat? Is it 5 like the top of the sticker says or 4 like the bottom of the sticker says?

I'm unsure which I'm meant to be reading.

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From my understanding, you have to refer to the green Safety Label issued by Maritime. http://www.maritime.nsw.gov.au/rec_boating/boat_registration.html

I think it tells you on the back your boat size vs passengers ratio.

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The instructions for the green label say "The capacity is determined by the ABP, manufacturer or if not specified, by using the table on the reverse of the Safety Label." So going by the manufacturer label on my boat. Picture up above. Would it be 4 or 5 allowed in my boat?

Does anyone have the table on the back of the green sticker they can post up?


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I'm guessing that if you have 5 people you can expect BASIC floatation, if you have 4 people you will have LEVEL floatation. I'm not sure what the differance is.

So I'd say you can carry 5 at a total weight of 75kg each. If the people weigh more, as most grown men do, than it's less than 5 people up to a total weight of 375kg.

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ash, heuy is right as your builders plate overides what the green sticker says which states a 4.27m boat or 14foot boat has the capacity of 4 adults or 3 adults and 2 kids, the green sticker takes affect if there is no builders plate fitted as in some older hulls,personlly i would not want to put more than 3 adults in a 14foot boat on sydney harbour where i fish. I hope it clears it up for you cheers dunc333

Edited by dunc333
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