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Making My Own Fishing Magazine


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Hey guys

For my year 12 DT Major Project, i am going to make a beginners guide to fishing NSW. There will be a waterproof magazine, a normal magazine, and their will be a website with my own fishing games to help fishing skills, and videos!

I'm just thinking of all the content i am going to place in my magazine and i am wondering if i am missing anything ? remember this book will be for beginners so i do not need to do into great detail.

What do you think of this for content ?

The Content –

The Title Page


About This Magazine (Estimated 1 Page)

About The Writer (Estimated 1 Page)

Why You Should Go Fishing (Estimated 4 Pages)

Getting Started

Rods & Reels (Estimated 2 Pages)

Fishing Tackle (Estimated 2 Pages)

Lures (Estimated 2 Pages)

The Best Knots (Estimated 2 Pages)

The Best Rigs (Estimated 2 Pages)

The Best Baits (Estimated 2 Pages)

The Gear You’ll Need for a Day out (Estimated 2 Pages)

During Fishing

How to cast (Estimated 2 Pages)

How to tell if a fish is biting (Estimated 1 Page)

How to set the hook on a fish (Estimated 1 Page)

How to handle a fish (Estimated 1 Page)

How to clean fish (Estimated 1 Page)

Fishing Rules, Regulations and Safety

Saltwater Rules (Estimated 3 Pages)

Freshwater Rules (Estimated 2 Pages)

Fishing Safety (Estimated 2 Pages)

Fishing Hotspots

Map of NSW on the page with hotspots marked out in red

On the next pages have small sections of each spot including: picture of hotspot, what to catch there, tips about the area, best season to fish there.

(Estimated 10 Pages)

Identifying Fish & General Fish Information

Name of the fish with the scientific name

How to identify the fish (features etc.)

The best baits for that fish

Best spots/rig/lure

Most common habitat for the fish

General information and tips about the fish

(Estimated 15 Page)

Fishing Diary Log

A diary where the person may enter basic information about their fishing trip, what they caught, the time, the tides, and much more information.

Now, can people send me photos they would let me use in the magazine ? post up your best photos ! and i'll put your name in the magazine, i will be trying my hardest to get this into some stores (might be a big ask, but i can only try. I am going to work really hard on this)

Photos with Estuary Fish, Photos of Estuary Fish, Fishing Location Photos, I'll need everyhing. If i want to sell this magazine i need to own or have permission to use every photo i put in the magazine.

Thanks raiders !

Edited by quintrex101
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I reckon you should try and cover all the fishing on offer in NSW. If you can combine fishing maps and articles on all parts of NSW with knots/rigs etc..then you will do VERY well. Pictures should make up a few extra marks too!

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I would not mix Fresh and salt water. To be even more selective ... first time fisher probably dont have a boat. Also for a first time fisher, I would not send him to the big rocks trying to catch big fish.

Include a good general -first time fishing- tackle box list.

You might have to write a Step 1-2-3 magazine.

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Mack Attack 79: Thanks for that mate, i think that sounds pretty good ! might try and do all the big holiday locations, places and add where you can stay in the area.

Squidward: I'd appreciate that very much so mate :)

Cameldownunder: I like the idea of that. I am thinking of colour coding the book. Getting started - Blue pages. All fishing gear - Green pages. Safety - Red pages.

Thanks for your input everyone

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Sounds like a great project! Looking at your content I'm not sure you're going to be able to give much useful advice in the space you've allocated to some sections.

If the idea is to target beginners it might be worth targeting bread and butter species like bream, flathead, and whiting. If you stick to a few species you can cover things in a bit more depth.

I also think a section on lure fishing would be handy - some descriptions of lure types and their use, which ones for which species, etc.

If your adding a website component, a mobile site (m.yourwebsitename.com.au) that they can use to access info while fishing, and a database driven diary they can post pictures and locations to. You could automatically add tide and moonphase info to their diary entries using the GPS function of the phone.

Finally, nothing is going to turn a new fisherman off more than catching their first fish then butchering it in the pan. Perhaps a few simple recipes that suits different species would be worth adding.

I would also add that you want to be careful how much info you offer for free on the website. It's hard to sell a magazine if the content is free online. Is it going to be a regular magazine or a one off?

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