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Casting Distance


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Hi Raiders

Firstly, I want to say this is a great site. I have read heap of posts and picked up quite a few handy tips.

I am curious to know what is the furthest you have casted? I am fishing on a wharf and the old timers are telling me there is a hole out there with big fishes. I have only managed to get half way there so far. I was using an 8 foot, 5-8 kg rod and spinning reel with 25 pounds mono. I managed to get about 20 - 25 m on this using a size 4 sinker. I changed the line to 30 pound braid and managed to increase the distance to about 30 - 35 m. I just wanted to get an idea of how far you have casted so I can work out whether technique is bad or I need longer rod i.e surf rod. I have a feeling that my casting technique needs improving. I have read on various sites of people casting 100 - 150 m.



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my best is approx 50-70m - far enough that seeing it splash is an effort

just tie a snapper sinker onto your line - hoist it far as you can - you can really get some yardage when not concerned with bait failling off

then grab a snap swivel with the clips and cradle ur livie down your main line (like a lfying fox)

your livie then has the total distance us casted to swim up and down - the snapper sinker is essentially acting as an anchor - and as you didnt cast your livie he is happy and full or energy - u just gotto egg him on down the anchor line - but thats part of the fun

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Do you realy need 30lb braid? Lighter line will cast further..make sure your spool is full, not 3/4 full as the drag of the line running over the lip of the spool will slow the line speed down which will decrease the distance as well. Before you head to the wharf next tie a sinker onto your line and head down to the local park (making sure there is no kids around) and have a practice. And also beware, old timers might just be having a bit of fun watching you bust a gut every time trying to hit the imaginary deep hole!

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Guest twitchie(U-Make-Em )


there are blokes who can cast a thredline casting reel any where from 170 -260 metres 200g weight and over heads the same distance very little distance between the two .As for fishing conditions i know of guys that can throw a 120g snapper lead all of 150 metres off a 10,000 abu it is a matter of know how . most rods are designed to throw certain weights and you must load the rod for it to throw the weight there are plenty of casting vids on utube

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Thank you all for the responses.

Looks like I will be practicing my casting over the Xmas period.

Tareeterror - I have a spare alvey in the garage. I will dust it off and see if I can get an increase in distance. It will be interesting to see how long it takes to wind in.

Kulch - how do you get the yakka to swim out? I though they alway swim toward the wharf.

Mako2000 - I probably don't need 30 pond braid. Old habbits die hard. I am still learning to fish light. I plan to get light line but when I go to the shop I always end up buying it a bit havier than what I need. I have seen these old timers catching a huge bream from that hole. They use 13 foot surf rod to get the distance.

twitchie - thanks. I will take a look at utube

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A longer rod with a fast taper and made with some graphite in it ie 10 footer rated 8 - 10kg, matched with around a 6000 - 8000 sized threadline holding a 20lb braided line will see most anglers make the distance with a little bit of practice.

Thanks. I have been looking up casting technique on utube. I will practice and hopefully get some improvement first before I go out and get a surf rod.

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I used to fish from the warf with my 12" telescopic graphite rod. One technique used was to hold the rod in front of me, with about 1 m off the tip, to the sinker, then sling it back (make sure you have the space) and when the sinker has bent the rod, use a slingshot style, to do the forward cast. You get that extra length. I used an eggbeater (make sure it is full, and the line comes off easyly) as if it sticks .... you might see that sinker come at you.

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Mate if you want maximum distance you need an overhead. Pretty much all of the casting records are with overheads and a fair percentage are with the Abu ambassadeurs or Penn maggs. I use the Abu 5600c4, 12 years old with upgraded bearings, and even though it's a level wind it will punch out at least 50-60mt and that's with a 7ft rod. The main thing with distance casting whether it be with a spin reel or a overhead is loading up the fishing rod with the right weight, chucking a massive snapper lead on won't help if the rod isn't rated for it.


Edited by bump73
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Hi mate

Don't forget that if you are fishing from a wharf, most of the fish will actually be right below your feet - sniffing around the pylons & weed bed leading to shore!!

Like you, when land based, I always used to cast way out as far as I could ...... but once I took up kayak fishing, it is really funny to see, as most yak fishos are out in the middle, casting right back towards the shore or the shallow/structure areas (jetties, boats, poles etc) whilst all the land based fishos are chucking their lines out to where we are paddling!! We usually catch more fish! biggrin2.gif

Don't be afraid to just drop your lure/bait down beside the jetty - you may be surprised what you will get!!



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Thanks Cameldownunder, mjacd, stevefish, Ben and Roberta

It's funny that I never fish below my feet. I know that fishes like structures but I seem to like casting out far. I will have to force myself to drop a line below my feet next time.

I have been practicing this casting technique from utube, the one they use to catch carp. I have been getting around 50m until the top section of the rod snapped in two places on about the 20th go :( . I am not sure if the rod was faulty or if I was over loading it.

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