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Xmas Reds


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Gday all, had a day off yesterday to go fishing with a m8 and a good day to it was to take off! Left the ramp and headed to the pearly gates and were greeted by a nice gentle swell and the look of rain. Decided to head out to around 60m on a bit of reef and dropped the pik. Started to burley hard, let the trail go to work for 5 min then deployed the 4 weapons off choice.

Bait for the day would simply be pillies and soft plastics. My first rod was 6-8kg silstar and my original stradic 8000 with some 8kg mono. Rigs simple 2 hook paternoster. Second was custom 10- 15kg with a tekota 500 lined with 15 kilo braid to a 10 kilo leader again to a 2 hook twisted dropper. Anthony had two simler outfits. First drop led to a cracker sgt baker which was good because we knew we were in the right spot and he came up very red meaning we were on the right part of the reef. Off he went to live another day. Anthony gets a strong hit and pulls in after a little fight a large headed flathead. Very similar to an eastern blue but with a larger elongated head. Off he goes for a swim. Pull the other lines to find soft plastics and bait demolished.

Re bait and drop away. Anthony's two rods go off and buy the look of things, maybe little snapper by the look of the tips. Quick fight and two nice snapper are put into the live bait tank. They will be released but, not straight away as we firmly beleive that by doing this you will scatter the school. The sounder had a really nice showing. My two go off and its the same result into the tank you go. Re bait and get it out looking for big brothers. Drop my rod a bit further back and nuclear chickened up hit something bigger, love the sound of braid peeling off. Finally after a nice 10 minute battle up comes joy who is quickly spiked and into ice. Big smiles around we continued.

The next half hour rates as one of the good days, a bite that one wont forget. Needless to say this was the final result.....

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Didnt weigh them, didnt need too!

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An old fishing buddy of mine showed me, and I've done it since then many times, Sargent Baker is one of the best Snapper Baits you can get. He used to just cut a chunk out of the tail section and then release but I prefer to dispatch them and use as much as I need. Try it, you wont be disappointed. I don't tend to kill big ones but you usually get one that's fair if they're about. They have good strong skin like a mullet and white flesh and Reddy's love them.

Nice fish by the way and well done in 60m.

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