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Amateur Hour


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I always get a laugh out of the reports of blokes putting their boat in without bungs, dropping their boats off the trailer on the ramp and generally being dopes. Giggling away thinking it never happens to me.

This morning though I got up early to fish the run out. Boat prepared last night, rods ready, all I had to do was put it on the car and go. There in lied the problem almost got to the ramp went over a speed bump, trailer wasn't locked on and next thing I know it was ramming into the back of the car.

The noise I heard when the trailer came away from the car made me put the brakes on but too late I realised that was the wrong move.

Got it back on drove to the ramp and realised my brand new motor bracket was missing and had to go back to the scene of the crime to pick it up.

Boat in the water, baits out for forty minutes and the baitrunner goes off. Let it run for a bit turn the baitrunner off and strike. Unfortunately the drag was completely off and I ended up with line everywhere. Luckily the mess ran smoothly away but unluckily I landed a nice big eel.

After landing two 50 odd cm soapies and a small ray I finished the night with no keepers. Couple of drifts on the way back landed a 42cm flattie.

When I got home I found that the brand new motor bracket was missing again and had to have a quick drive back to the ramp to get it. Thanks to the good Samaritan who propped it up against the fence rather than pinch it.

After telling you all that I need to point out that this is the very first time I have had a run of stupidity in life. Honest.


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I always get a laugh out of the reports of blokes putting their boat in without bungs, dropping their boats off the trailer on the ramp and generally being dopes. Giggling away thinking it never happens to me.

This morning though I got up early to fish the run out. Boat prepared last night, rods ready, all I had to do was put it on the car and go. There in lied the problem almost got to the ramp went over a speed bump, trailer wasn't locked on and next thing I know it was ramming into the back of the car.

The noise I heard when the trailer came away from the car made me put the brakes on but too late I realised that was the wrong move.

Got it back on drove to the ramp and realised my brand new motor bracket was missing and had to go back to the scene of the crime to pick it up.

Boat in the water, baits out for forty minutes and the baitrunner goes off. Let it run for a bit turn the baitrunner off and strike. Unfortunately the drag was completely off and I ended up with line everywhere. Luckily the mess ran smoothly away but unluckily I landed a nice big eel.

After landing two 50 odd cm soapies and a small ray I finished the night with no keepers. Couple of drifts on the way back landed a 42cm flattie.

When I got home I found that the brand new motor bracket was missing again and had to have a quick drive back to the ramp to get it. Thanks to the good Samaritan who propped it up against the fence rather than pinch it.

After telling you all that I need to point out that this is the very first time I have had a run of stupidity in life. Honest.


Nice Write up Dave, any pick of the wayward catch?

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