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Forster 29/12/2012


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Hello everyone

Decided to head down to tuncurry beach this mornning. I went down to throw some metal slugs around in the gutters. I got down there and it looked very fishey. Some other people that were fishing had done bream but no salmon or tailor. I walked up and down the beach for about three hours and got nothing. I have never had success doing this but have seen people do this and succeed. Has anyone on here used this method and caught fish?

Plan tomorrow is to walk my normal shore line area in the mornning before going out with the family on the boat


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I've had mixed succes with slugs off the beach around here. Though they worked a treat sight casting to schools of salmon off the beach at hawks nest. I've had much more luck off the rocks with metals (likely due to time given to each activity)

The north end of One Mile beach off the stones is good. I've spun up bonnnies, small kings, tailor and salmon with raiders from there. Its a little sketchy under foot, but good fishing. I've taken unsuccussful shots at spotted mackeral spearfishing here around easter.

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