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Forster 31/12/2011


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Hey everyone,

Went down and done my normal walk around the shore line atound the bridge and Forster wharf. The conditions were perfect. I got down and got a fish first cast, it wasn't legal but still I thought this was going to be a day like the other one. That's all I got plus a few very large pike. I do f know what the go was with the flathead I could see them swimming around the wharfs I must of seen 5 along with 23 string rays ( they are everywhere at the moment). Any way called it quits about 8:30 and went home.

I decided to go for Jewish in the afternoon I got to the marina and caught two mullet in about 5min and then headed up the wall. Got to my rock rigged up and put some bait out. Lost both lives in about 50mi one in thd rocks and the other just fell off after being re castes several times because of the current pushing it towards the rocks. Then went home because I could not catch any yakkers.

Happy new year to all


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