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Fairy Meadow Beach at Wollongong

Thomas Mattarelli

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Hey Guys,

I have a trip planned this weekend to Fairy Meadow and I am keen to take my beach gear for a bash.

the only thing is I have fished this beach heaps of time with little to no success everytime, so wanted to check to see if any of you have had any luck or heard any reports of how the fishing is going down there at the moment.

I have tried just about every type of bait and set up so if you have anything that works please tell

Ive tried Squid, Pillies, Slimey, Yakkas, Poddys, All hoping for something big Jewie maybe lol

and I have also had smaller gear out with Prawns, worms, Nippers, pillie pieces and no luck what so ever Oh once a bream, Now before I give up on this Fishless beach I want to give it one final hit this weekend.

So Help A Brother out???

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