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Have you called fisheries lately?


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Called fisheries today to try to have a confusion cleared up.

I must say, while I know they don't have the staff that they should, I was very disappointed that no one, in three different offices could answer my question.

This isn't the first time I've been disappointed by this department.

On a recent trip to Forster, I was really disappointed about the amount of undersized fish going home with people. I reported this stuff in person, gave details of where, when and car regos, to be told "they will get caught one day" the lady at the counter didn't even write this down.

I'm not a big complainer, but this just isn't good enough.

Thankfully, I'm a member here, so I'm going to ask the question.

Can aniseed be used as an attractant? I've been told it was banned, but seems to be some SP companies still using it.

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Called fisheries today to try to have a confusion cleared up.

I must say, while I know they don't have the staff that they should, I was very disappointed that no one, in three different offices could answer my question.

This isn't the first time I've been disappointed by this department.

On a recent trip to Forster, I was really disappointed about the amount of undersized fish going home with people. I reported this stuff in person, gave details of where, when and car regos, to be told "they will get caught one day" the lady at the counter didn't even write this down.

I'm not a big complainer, but this just isn't good enough.

Thankfully, I'm a member here, so I'm going to ask the question.

Can aniseed be used as an attractant? I've been told it was banned, but seems to be some SP companies still using it.

Can't find anything on DPI Fisheries website about aniseed being illegal to use, there's discussion about it on net but nothing I can find in black n white from a government department saying you can't use it.

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Aniseed is not banned, do not know where you got this info from? Have only heard it being banned in some pro fishing comps? As it is a great attractant and been used for donkeys years to fish, use it. Works better on some species than others. Know some very old breamers that love the stuff. Also for you smokers out there the aniseed soap also masks the smell of the nicotine on your fingers, as fish hate the nicotine.

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Im with you onajewagain I have heard that it was banned, had a bottle given to me from a trucky about 15 years ago, he was from VIC or SA I was inland NSW he's words were it is banned in some places not sure about NSW. I tryed it just the same but wasnt very effective on the murray cod at the time.

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Called fisheries today to try to have a confusion cleared up.

I must say, while I know they don't have the staff that they should, I was very disappointed that no one, in three different offices could answer my question.

This isn't the first time I've been disappointed by this department.

On a recent trip to Forster, I was really disappointed about the amount of undersized fish going home with people. I reported this stuff in person, gave details of where, when and car regos, to be told "they will get caught one day" the lady at the counter didn't even write this down.

I'm not a big complainer, but this just isn't good enough.

Thankfully, I'm a member here, so I'm going to ask the question.

Can aniseed be used as an attractant? I've been told it was banned, but seems to be some SP companies still using it.

We have a good one up the coast{Fisheries officer]I gave his number to a mate who called him and he was on the beach in 30 mins a nabbed a group of Sydney siders who had filled up a large esky with Pipi's.


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We have a good one up the coast{Fisheries officer]I gave his number to a mate who called him and he was on the beach in 30 mins a nabbed a group of Sydney siders who had filled up a large esky with Pipi's.


Good to hear! Unfortunate that it doesn't happen often enough.

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I have rang fisheries at leasst 10 times in the last 5 years and every time I get an answering machine asking to leave my details. Not once did I ever hear back from them.


You have 4 options. 2 of them tell you to visit the website for info.

Funnily enough, the fishing license purchase option puts you straight on to an operator. Is that a little fishy?

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Guest hawkesbass

I rang fisheries last week to report illegal fishing and somehow got transfered to fisheries in broome western australia when i rang the nsw fisheries number and i spoke to a operator this is were they transfered me too

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I was up in forster during the christmas break and i was impressed when for the first time since i have been fishing a fisheries office came up to us, asked us for our fishing liscences and checked our catches. When i mentioned that there was alot of undersized whiting being caughtnear the main bridge, she told me that they had done a check in the morning and were doing another chekc of the area later in the evening. Gotta to give them the thumbs up for being out there and making checks.

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