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Fisherman kills Great white


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Disgusting!!!! :ranting2:

I think these anglers should be made an example of. Firstly, If you cannot tell the differance between a Great White and a Mako you shouldn't be fishing for them!

Also, You do not buldgen a fish to death (mako, white or anything for that matter) to death in front of families with children! Show some discretion.

It is irresopnsible behavior like this which tarnishes the name of all of us. :ranting2:

Edited by OutdoorDan
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The pic looks shocking! Looks like they wanted to put on a show...with all the trauma to it from the gaff, before he beat it to death.

I'm a noob, but is there substance to the claim that makos and great whites look the same?

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Firstly please dont refer to these people as Fisherman, they are just some idiot with a boat. Makos and Whites do look very similar and if you didnt know much could easily get confused, same body shape, differant colour, White is more a dull grey whilst the Mako is a real Electric Blue, the biggest giveaway is the teeth though.

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Thats terribly sad and quite pathetic from the people that caught it. A mako and great white resemble each other in the same way a small snapper resembles a bream, to a novice it may be similar but to anyone that fishes for them its bleedingly obvious. Hope these guys cop the full punishment available.

Probably a good reminder for those on here who post pictures of fish they have killed in the the Aquarium section for identification, if you dont know what it is, let it go.


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It would appear form reading this that there was no chance of this shark surviving no matter what happened on the shore. If it was dragged to the shore on the hook after being fought to a standstill I would dare to say that it was probably stressed to the point of death anyway.

This in no way excuses the appalling behaviour of the person who then clubbed it to death. People pleading for him to stop made no difference and was never going to, especially after the thing was beached and hit for the first time. It was dead. The idiot responsible should be prosecuted.

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I'd wager these guys knew exactly what it was.

To land it you'd have to have the right gear, right? And to know what kind of gear is required to land a shark of any sort, particularly the more athletic varieties, you'd need to do your homework...

You can't tell me they stumbled across the right equipment to land a magnificent animal like a shark... they would had to have bothered to find out exactly what gear and methods were required to land such a creature... but to then neglect to research the target, at least to enable identification, to the same degree?

Doubt it very much.

Hope at least one of the bystanders were able to get a plate or boat ID, and these guys cop the maximum penalty... + interest... + karma.

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I'd wager these guys knew exactly what it was.

To land it you'd have to have the right gear, right? And to know what kind of gear is required to land a shark of any sort, particularly the more athletic varieties, you'd need to do your homework...

You can't tell me they stumbled across the right equipment to land a magnificent animal like a shark... they would had to have bothered to find out exactly what gear and methods were required to land such a creature... but to then neglect to research the target, at least to enable identification, to the same degree?

Doubt it very much.

Hope at least one of the bystanders were able to get a plate or boat ID, and these guys cop the maximum penalty... + interest... + karma.

Very well said... I think the article below adds further to your points... The @sshats knew what they were looking for.


Edited by Greenhorn
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