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Sydney Today


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Gday All, well things havnt changed at all since the last, if anything its worse! Water is still around the 23 deg mark and now is a dirty greeny blue.. if ya know what i mean. Outside the 80m line water today hit 24 deg and is blue, so if you are chasing stickfish my bet would be to find the line of blue to blue green, it sticks out like the proverbial and fish the warm edge. The current is also screaming downhill at 3kn :ranting2: making life a little hard.

Swell today was absolutely disgraceful. Put together whats left of the se swell which has been replaced by an easterly swell of 1-1.5m and a screaming current had things going left right and centre and piling up. If the wind drops tonight may be ok tomoz. Water on the bottom is still very cold and has now gone cloudy.

Thats all folks

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Thanks for the update. Very useful, wish more people would provide actual fishing conditions after a fishing trip, as it is a pain to head out only to be disappoint by misinformed weather forcasts. Not to mention the wasted cost.

Cheers again mate

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