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Long Reef Saturday


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Hi Raiders,

I've posted on fishing chat but never posted a report so here goes.

Launched at 5am from Drummoyne and headed out carefully in the dark. Took ages to get to Long Reef because it was so still dark and then swelly and choppy. Chop was breaking over itself.

Anyway drifted (fast) at Long Reef about 2 miles out. Not much showing on the sounder so we only picked up whatever is always on the bottom. Highlights were 1 snapper of almost a kg (had a bit of a bump starting so proper snapper) and a rubber lip morwong a little larger. Both will be very tasty crumbed and fried. Otherwise a couple of big Sargeant Bakers (back in, too boney) and lots and lots of wrasse (make lovely eating, white fillets). Couple of red rock cods- fantastic eating too. Lots of pinkies to throw back. Amazingly, zero sweep.

Left a few bucks worth of terminal tackle on the reef. Eventually re-rigging in the rough conditions gave me the worst seasickness I have ever had witch resulted in losing my breakfast over the side, twice. That was enough reason to leave Long Reef and head in. Trolled a skirt at 4-8 knots around North and South heads but no luck. Looking for Bonito which is supposed to be everywhere now (except in my boat). Quick stop at Sow and Pigs for a bit of fun before heading back.

Highlight of the day was seeing a flying fish glide at least 20m against the wind, from one swell to another. Never seen that before, so bizarre!



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