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Weather permitting, planning on putting the boat in at Brooklyn on Sunday. Not sure where to fish from there as I don't usually go there.

Any suggestions. Not exact areas, just a general idea. Do I head east or west? After Bream, Flathead, nothing special. Love the little ones to get a fish.

A nice feed and a bit of fun is all we are after.

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If i were you i'd go west. I was out a couple of weeks ago and nailed a 44cm bream and a few flatties at Milson Island. There are Bream and Jewfish at the vines but as usual, they aren't easy to catch. Bar point with livies and squid for Big Bream and Jewies on the tide change. Back to Milson Island, It fishes best for most of the run in. When there is no run here you will just get catfish and eels etc.. Mullet fillets, striped tuna, squid and even prawns are the go here. The North West Corner of the island about 25m off the channel marker is best.

Good luck!

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