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Botany Bay 5/2


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The main goal of the day was to find new squidding grounds as squid in the normal grounds were getting a bit scarce, and to try and DR them for kings if I got any. Wanted to put the new Lowrance Elite DSI sounder to the test, and boy it didn't disappoint, the promo for the sounder says that you can actually see the strands of the kelp and weed. Sounding out some new grounds, I came across a large patch of kelp, and the funny thing was it wasn't too far from an area close to where I normally squid anyway and I must have gone over that same spot a dozen times but never noticed it with the old sounder. So anchored up, and threw in the first jig, stripped off some line and let it sink, threw in the other jig, then it's on, I got 8 squid from 8 cast, 100% strike rate, all in 30 mins.

Seeing how brown the water in the bay was, I wasn't too hopeful for any kings inside, so ventured outside to a reefy spot given to me by a mate for kings, knew it wasn't going to be too easy as it was like a washing machine out there. Got to our spot and the sounder showed some large arches near the bottom, whacked on one of the medium size squid and on the second pass, whammo! we're on! grabbed the rod, locked the drag on the saltist and I couldn't stop it, it was still peeling line off, before I could ask my mate to get on the wheel, it was gone I was cursing like there was no tomorrow :ranting2::ranting2: . The 60lb leader was shredded, definitely upgrading to 100lb for the next trip. I've caught 90cm kings on the gear before without too much fuss, so for line to be still coming off on locked drag, it was sure to be a beast.

Re-rigged and whacked on another squid, on the second pass, the rod goes off again. This time I had my mate ready to get on the wheel, but being his first time on a boat and not knowing how to control a boat, hammers down on full throttle and I am almost tossed over the back!! then he oversteers right then oversteers left, I am being tossed around the back of the boat! and sad to say it, I am reefed again! Did a couple more passes, but no more hits, by this time my mate had turned green and I wanted to beat the traffic back at the ramp so we headed back. Back at the ramp, I noticed schools and schools of bream right in the shallows, they were chasing little bait fish. Who needs to go out to towra for bream when you can just get them at the ramp :biggrin2:

Sure to be out next week to give it another go!

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Nice chatting to you yesterday quinnie...

Wanna show us on google earth where your new squid ground is? I want to see how the kelp looks like on my HDS5 sounder :biggrin2:

Bad luck on the kings... I told you last week there were some big buggers out there! You better visit the tackle shop and load up on bigboys gear.

See you out there this weekend


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Nice chatting to you yesterday quinnie...

Wanna show us on google earth where your new squid ground is? I want to see how the kelp looks like on my HDS5 sounder :biggrin2:

Bad luck on the kings... I told you last week there were some big buggers out there! You better visit the tackle shop and load up on bigboys gear.

See you out there this weekend


yeah good chat mate! i've seen what kelp looks like on a HDS5 sounder, not too impressive but then again, you have structure scan so I am sure it's quite impressive hehehehe but here's the google map anyway, hint: it's somewhere in the blue area :biggrin2:

yep, I am a believer now, some big ones definitely!!!

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Mate 60lb might help a little bit but stopping them getting to the bottom or anything else they can rub up on is the biggest challenge so you might have to up the ante and get better gear that might stop them, but if they are really big fish all I can say is good luck cause the best gear doesnt garantee anything just weighs up the odds a little bit more in your faviour but on the other hand all us fishos love the sound of a screamin drag better luck next time champ

Edited by Dazzlar
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