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Squid donut


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Went out last night in the harbour trying to get onto some squid for a feed. I have never caught squid before, mostly a freshie. We went around from Kiribillie house right into all those bays casting our squid jigs (Mojiko brand) around weed, pylons, moored boats and rocks for nothing. We ended up giving up and bottom bashing for a couple of snapper and and white/brown thing with a nasty spike (cut the line and let it go!)

So what are we doing wrong? At one point we were putting small free running sinkers in front of the jigs to get them down deeper in the strong current, but this didnt help either. Any advice would be greatly appriciated.



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Hey mate,

squidding is hard in the harbour, i use the smallest jigs i can and i only use yozuri, also if you dont get a hit after say 4-5 casts keep moving, if they are there they will jump onto it if not you will have to find them. But in saying that its alot easier moving around via a boat.

keep at it mate, i remember jigging for hours to come home with nothing then other days where i have pulled in 3 or 4 in the first 10 minutes

good luck

P.S. watch out for the ink when you get into them, they can shoot surprisingly far out of water!! i learnt the hard way


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