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Catching slimies


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Hi just wondering if anyone knew any tricks to catching slimies? The other weekend we were at the bait grounds off Forster and we were using a bait jig with small bits of pilchard on it and could only get yakkas. We saw this other boat jigging something and getting heaps. Does anyone know what they would have been using? Going up to port Stephens soon and would love to know how to catch them by then. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!! Thanks

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Hey mate,

I use to come across this problem. What i found is that yellow tail will generally not come to the surface so i float a bait on a hand line no sinker and tiny hook and the slimies seem to hit the bait befor the yakkas.

this is my experience there might be an easier way though.


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I fished Bass Point just South of Shellharbour about three weeks ago. I did the same thing, float your pilchards, and I used small ganged hooks and caught about a dozen slimies in 30 minutes. I also had a good burley trail going. Not sure if this is the best way to catch them, but worked for me. :1fishing1:

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Inshore I actually find them to be deeper more often than yakkas but offshore when dropping on sounded bait you can never be sure what it is until you pull it up. Personally i would say the other boat was getting them because they had them around your boaty and you did not. Cheers.

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Could have been that they had burley that the slimies were partial to. One of the most successful (fluke!?) ways I've found is using an Atomic Prawn soft plastic. I say fluke because I was just trying out the sp, but with a quickish retrieve bagged out on slimies. Now, whenever we know they are around, I pull out the atomic and they seem to love it - sometimes have to vary the retrieve in terms of speed, but works consistently.

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