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Rock & Beach fishing Questions for ya'll RAIDERS


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Hey guys love this forum.. Have a few quick questions for you experts regarding rock and beach fishing :)

1) When using soft plastic baits better to use them on rocks or beach ??

2) Which best baits generally attract a certain species of fish ? I know pillies attract bonito,salmon,tailor and even kingies

But what about mullet? Prawns? Softbaits etc ?

3) When using live bait such as small tailors or yakkas i generally pin the hook above the eye , kinda hard to explain but i've been told and even seen people do it that way, Am i doing it correct ? Thanks

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Hey guys love this forum.. Have a few quick questions for you experts regarding rock and beach fishing :)

1) When using soft plastic baits better to use them on rocks or beach ??

2) Which best baits generally attract a certain species of fish ? I know pillies attract bonito,salmon,tailor and even kingies

But what about mullet? Prawns? Softbaits etc ?

3) When using live bait such as small tailors or yakkas i generally pin the hook above the eye , kinda hard to explain but i've been told and even seen people do it that way, Am i doing it correct ? Thanks

Hey Johnstar - sp's can be good both from rocks and beach, just depends on what you are targeting. In very general terms you will do well on flathead if they are around from the beach, I've found that rockfishing with SP's is good for baitfish - slimies, yellowtail. If you can see small baitfish around and match your SP selection to what is live, then you're likely to be on the menu..

As to baits, they all catch - just depends on what the local bait is. eg beaches with a creek running out will generally have mullet, which should be a gun bait if that is the environment. Some rocks will have sandy sections - if you find small shrimp, then prawns will be the go, etc

Baiting livies - there are a few ways - through the lips ( between the nostrils), behind the dorsal fin, back from the anal fin. Have read about trimming the top or bottom of the tail to make the livie swim up or down, depending on whether you are using a float or a sinker.

Where do you fish and what do you normally go for? A bit more detail will get you more specific responses from other FR's, but I hope my 2c helps.

Edited by SCOTTYB
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Hey guys love this forum.. Have a few quick questions for you experts regarding rock and beach fishing :)

1) When using soft plastic baits better to use them on rocks or beach ??

2) Which best baits generally attract a certain species of fish ? I know pillies attract bonito,salmon,tailor and even kingies

But what about mullet? Prawns? Softbaits etc ?

3) When using live bait such as small tailors or yakkas i generally pin the hook above the eye , kinda hard to explain but i've been told and even seen people do it that way, Am i doing it correct ? Thanks

Whatt do you mean by "small Tailor'.All live bait has to be of a legal size.

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Thanks guys gonna give some berkeley gulps a run for the money, Which size jig heads do you think i should use ? Also probably the most important question.. Catching yellow tails, What would be the best rig to catch 3 or more at a time !??? I went fishing yesterday and caught 10 yakkas took me 3 hours when i could of got 10 in a hour, luckily i ended up with 3 kingies about 75cm in length..

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