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What happened to Summer?


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Hey Raiders.... well a but disappointed today to say the least. We went out Saturday afternoon (later then we wanted due to kids party) and set about catching a heap of live bait and preparing ourselves for a great afternoon/next day fishing.

Caught a 41cm whiting at 9pm and a few small snapper which all went back in.

Slept on the boat and woke at 4am and headed out to Browns.... and thats when it all went bad. The sun peaked out for a whole half an hour only to reveal big messy rolling swell and not the Summery less than 1 mtr seas we were expecting. We didnt go out that far then and stayed in 150-200mtrs of water which we endured for probably 6 hours too long. Came in for a bottom bash in 100mtrs of water on a reef and lost too much gear to the nastiest jackets ever. Trolled again caught a brown bird in one of our lines - bought it in to free it and it bit me :ranting2: . Bottom bashed again and after we got sick (literally) we headed in to try one of our favourite fishing spots. Nothing there so we decided to move - lost the anchor and then couldnt stay in one spot for more than 5 minutes cause of the stupid wind and swell.

So after a long 12 hours out we caught a maori wrasse and a brown bird. Definately not what we were hoping for. Bloody weather :1badmood: . So looking forward to a nice day out.... oh well thats boating/fishing for you i suppose....


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