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Sand Whiting only?


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Hi everyone,

I was just looking over my legal size chart and noticed whiting had "27cm for sand only". I just want to clarify it before I head out attempting to catch one, does that mean I can only catch sand whiting or does it mean sand whiting is the only species that have a size limit, whilst other whiting do not? I caught an undersized silver looking whiting from a beach and let it go, but, if it was 27cm or larger, would I be able to keep (and eat) it?

Thank you

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If you're fishing off the beach in Sydney, then you are more than likely catching sand whiting. According to the Fisheries website, sand whiting are also known as summer whiting, silver whiting and blue-nose whiting. For sand whiting the legal size is 27cm and the bag limit is 20.

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sand whiting

The only other whiting you're likely to catch is Eastern School Whiting, also known as red spot whiting. However, they are usually caught offshore in deeper water. They have reddish brown stripes along their flanks. They have no size limit, but the bag limit is 20.

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Eastern School Whiting (red spot whiting)



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