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Do we realize how lucky we are?


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Have come over to London for a wedding, had the first day to myself as my friends were working, so found myself in a pub, taking everything in with a few pints. Got talking to a few lads, spoke about Australia and one of them asked me about fishing and whether I liked it. Well off I went, talking about Sydney and the south coast and then he told me about his last fishing episode...well!!!

Basically he paid £20 to fish for CARP in a private lake. For the money he got access to a small patch of the water and the use of a toilet. So he had set up, opened his first beer (good to see some things are universal) and cast 2 rods out. Soon a boat comes on the lake and a uniformed ranger comes up to him, asking if he had his rod license. He said no, believing the £20 would cover this as it was a private water. WRONG!!!! Not fined but basically ARRESTED!!!!! Had his rights read to him and information was taken. A few weeks later a court summons appeared, he is now fighting a fine that could be anywhere from £500 - £5000!!!!! He was pretty bitter and was having to send in employment details, salary, mortgage etc to determine how much he was going to have to pay! Oh and he caught nothing....

Makes you realize how lucky we are..,,,,

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Well said Mutt. I originally came from the UK and have been back a few times and when talking with them about fishing, it is chalk and cheese compared with the options and the fish we have available on our doorstep here (ok, we do need a licence, but I think that has been a good initiative). We should count our blessings and make sure we keep it a viable fishery for generations to come. But I love the Pom's lager though!

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