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Port Stephens Jewfish advice needed


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Hey guys I'm new to the site, I have read a number of fishing reports and pinned threads in this forum and am amazed by the high number of fisho's contributing quality info, makes for great reading at work! :thumbup: :thumbup: :1fishing1: keep it up guys.

I've also been reading/watching anything i can find on the net relating to catching jewies inside lower reaches of big eastern estuary systems as im heading to Port Stephens in a couple of weeks with my mate, and will be going out for a number of dusk/night sessions targeting jewfish on bait.

We've both fished landbased for years, including breakwall fishing for jew using hardbodies and softplastic lures, mainly during times of flood, with some success.

However, now that my friend has purchased a nice set up 4.8m Formosa, we want to target jew in some deep holes in the bay using new techniques.

Fresh and live squid seem to be most rated bait for jew. Last time we visited the port we did well on the squid, so we are hoping to go out and get as many squid as we can for the live well and head out to nice deep spot or a drop off in some part of lower/middle reaches of the bay and just play the waiting game :thumbup: although from what ive read it seems like the main time you want to be out there is during a tide change.

Is there anyone here with jewfish experience inside port stephens that could give us any specific advice? Is there a well known spot thats worth putting in the hours at?

Any help greatly appreciated! Tight lines guys :1fishing1::biggrin2:

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thanks mack attack!

ill definitely be giving some of those spots a try (particularly the top two). Do you think its worth doing all night sessions or just going for a couple of hours either side of a tide change? is it worth persevering if there isnt much action?

any other port stephens jewers keen to weigh in??

i couldnt help but notice your jew pb listed is 30cm! surely you've caught some bigger ones?? :biggrin2: :biggrin2:

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thanks mack attack!

ill definitely be giving some of those spots a try (particularly the top two). Do you think its worth doing all night sessions or just going for a couple of hours either side of a tide change? is it worth persevering if there isnt much action?

any other port stephens jewers keen to weigh in??

i couldnt help but notice your jew pb listed is 30cm! surely you've caught some bigger ones?? :biggrin2: :biggrin2:

Edited by mulloway man
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