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Considering the high numbers of small sharks cruising around the hacking at the moment i figured they might be an exciting target. I have only ever fished for sharks offshore with heavy wire trace and heavy overhead outfits. Does anyone know what would be appropriate traces would be for the little whalers that are about, (around a metre).

also are they worth eating im super keen to get my hands on one.

any help would be appreciated

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Absolutely worth fishing for and they are wonderful eating. Suggest don't use wire trace as it will reduce your bites, but use a heavy (60 to 80lb) fluorocarbon trace and circle hooks 8/0. Leave the reel in gear at strike drag and don't strike and you should hook them in the corner of the mouth so shouldn't get bitten off. They are great fighters.

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hey buddy, i hooked one yeaterday about 80-100kg and it fought very well. it took about 150m of 50lb line and slogged it out on the way back in.

youll definatly need wire though we got done 3 times first before i brought out the big gear and wire..

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Thanks fellas heading out tomorow night i think ive got some big owner 5/0 circles i will use with some 50 or 80 pound trace. Only going to be fishing ten kilo tackle or lighter so hopefully dont hook something as big as the fish you speak of austral. Got some striped tuna fillets to throw out and maybe i will try to get my hands on some live mullet and yellowtail beforehand will let you know how it goes.

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