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Cracker urban bass

Guest hawkesbass

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Guest hawkesbass

I have been hitting the georges river alot lately and have been fishing with a few regulars at the spots i go too well tonight i went to a little spot one of the regulars told me about that not many people go too i spent the first half hour fanning casts around checking out the depth and make up off the under water surroundings i used hard bodies to land three bass ranging from 15cms to 25cms over the next half hour then switched to a 1/2ounce spinnerbait to land one bass to 35cms then paul who told me about the spot turned up and started to cast around with a spinner bait while i spoke to his partner megan about 20 minutes later paul is on to a thumper bass that for its size put up a lazy fight once on the brag mat went 48cms after a quick photo the bass was released not a bad way to spent a monday evening after work





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