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Kingie Question


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Hey raiders,

just a quickie, my plans to fish tomorrow arvo's high tide for kingies have been foiled unfortunately...I can't do Sunday arvo (also high tide) and my only opportunity is Sunday Morning. It is smack bang at the bottom of the tide (9:15). When live baiting (pittwater/harbour) will i still have a shot at getting a few kings? Any help would be great. Even if you arent totally sure, if you think it is still worth trying then please say so

Cheers, Tom

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Hey raiders,

just a quickie, my plans to fish tomorrow arvo's high tide for kingies have been foiled unfortunately...I can't do Sunday arvo (also high tide) and my only opportunity is Sunday Morning. It is smack bang at the bottom of the tide (9:15). When live baiting (pittwater/harbour) will i still have a shot at getting a few kings? Any help would be great. Even if you arent totally sure, if you think it is still worth trying then please say so

Cheers, Tom

Mate if the Kingys are there you will get them on any tide...

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I've caught kings at all times of day on all tides. If they are there they will eat unless shut down from cold water and even then you can manage a few. ;)

Recently though they have been caught mostly in the arvo down here yet a few weeks ago most were in the morning. It all depends on the fish on the day mate. Best I can advise is just go out and give it a go. Even a crap days fishing is better than a great day working (if there is such a thing hehehe). :1fishing1:

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