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Identifying a species


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Hi guys.

I am trying to identify a fish that we catch on the coast of Sydney.

I have been fishing for over 20 years here and have never seen it before but that means nothing LOL. I can't find it on ANY fish ID site for NSW. Possibly travelled from elsewhere who knows.

We were surface fishing for Kingies & amongst them I caught two of these fish. I am awaiting on a pic but in the meantime I will kind of explain it.

It looks like a mix between a kingy but has a flatter & pointier head. side profile like a cobia but not as wide, has a similar shape tail to a kingy but more like a mack tuna. has scales like a salmon but looks like its been already scaled. The major distinction which doesn't match any is two neony blue stripes from head to tail in a similar position to a kingy or cobia.

The two I caught were 40cm & 60cms approx. They fight identically to a kingfish & are almost shaped like a kingfish. Until you bring it alongside the boat & realise there's something different about them.

Photo is coming but not very good as we came back in the evening.

Anyone have a clue???

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Bingo. Thats the one.

But much darker but that means nothing.

How common is it in Sydney???

To my knowledge, they are an occassional capture in sydney but by no means "common"

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