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returned from Broome


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Hi guys - not a local post but one I had to share. Having just returned from a holiday in Broome - I found some amazing fishing after a frustrating start.

Firstly - I'm always a believer in local knowledge, however it was hard to squeeze out of anyone up there. I usually rate the folks at Tackle World stores very highly - perhaps I didn't find their "A team" in Broome. I'm not in the habit of bashing a small business, so will leave it suffice to say I was extremely disappointed.

Secondly - I've never seen anything move like the tides do there (sometimes faster than walking pace). The rising tides claimed a few prizes (including a camera), but a few pictures on the phone survived!

Thirdly - end of the wet season made the weather tough. Our attempts to get aboard charters were all cancelled on the day.

In the end, after a lot of persistence & frustration, we found some great fishing from the shore. For a guy from Sydney whose staple is bream/flathead/jew - getting amongst these fish was just such a treat. Golden trevally, GT's, diamond trevally, queenfish, giant herring, and one hook-up on a barra at my feet which was a very exciting 12 seconds. Nothing huge by their standards - but enough to keep my brother & I very happy. Add to that some very beautiful scenery and wildlife - made for a memorable trip.

If anyone is heading up for the first time, inbox me and I might have a few tips to save you a couple days worth of fishless frustration! I suppose working out the nuances of a new spot on your own adds to the eventual satisfaction. All fish were caught flicking lures from the shore on my general Penn spin combo, 20lb braid to 20lb leader. Lost remarkably few fish (probably good luck rather than good management).



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Hi guys - not a local post but one I had to share. Having just returned from a holiday in Broome - I found some amazing fishing after a frustrating start.

Firstly - I'm always a believer in local knowledge, however it was hard to squeeze out of anyone up there. I usually rate the folks at Tackle World stores very highly - perhaps I didn't find their "A team" in Broome. I'm not in the habit of bashing a small business, so will leave it suffice to say I was extremely disappointed.

Secondly - I've never seen anything move like the tides do there (sometimes faster than walking pace). The rising tides claimed a few prizes (including a camera), but a few pictures on the phone survived!

Thirdly - end of the wet season made the weather tough. Our attempts to get aboard charters were all cancelled on the day.

In the end, after a lot of persistence & frustration, we found some great fishing from the shore. For a guy from Sydney whose staple is bream/flathead/jew - getting amongst these fish was just such a treat. Golden trevally, GT's, diamond trevally, queenfish, giant herring, and one hook-up on a barra at my feet which was a very exciting 12 seconds. Nothing huge by their standards - but enough to keep my brother & I very happy. Add to that some very beautiful scenery and wildlife - made for a memorable trip.

If anyone is heading up for the first time, inbox me and I might have a few tips to save you a couple days worth of fishless frustration! I suppose working out the nuances of a new spot on your own adds to the eventual satisfaction. All fish were caught flicking lures from the shore on my general Penn spin combo, 20lb braid to 20lb leader. Lost remarkably few fish (probably good luck rather than good management).



Done well to snare a giant herring mate! Theyr'e quite elusive and usually just targeted on fly. Nice trevs and queenies too. Bad luck on the barra mate, you'll get him next time!


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Giant herring not seen one of those for a while THANK GOD!!!

I used to get hundreds of them in Noosa when fishing for Jacks.

Live prawn out, bang flips and flying fish then a few swear words in she comes hook out and bait out again yep same again for hours or until you just left.

Great fight but thats it

Good trevvas though boys

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I was in Broome for 4 days last July and unfortunately agree with you about the tackle store. I loved the place though and I can highly recommend the Boab boat hire up there. We hired the centre cab for a day, they picked us up from our unit, drove us to the beach where we launched, and then were there on the beach to pick us up at the end of the day. They even rang us the day before to see if we still wanted to go out the next day as there were forecast 12 - 15 knot winds in the morning and they were willing to give us another day with a better forecast. Being from Sydney the wind was not an issue and by lunch we were fishing in mirror like conditions anyway. Plenty of mackeral, queenies, and a few different tasty bottom fish such as mangrove jack, stripeys, trout etc.

It looks like you tried near the wharf. I would have loved to have had a session there as heard plenty of good stories, but the distance from where we were staying and my fishing "credit points" were getting low.

If anyone heading up that way and has the time I also recommend making the trip further north to Cape Leveque (from memory 3 hour trip by 4WD). Magic place with great fishing and I would love to tow a boat there in the future.

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