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Where to go tomorrow!? 12ft tinny 6ish hp


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Evening all,

So after a long weekend away in qld on the sunny coast where the fishing was miserable, I managed to have a 15cm poddy swim into my landing net with relative ease and that was about all that was caught all weekend! And it was released shortly after so no keepers for the weekend away. But thanks to the amazing rostering skills of the honchos at work I now have tomorrow off and with my recent acquisition of a 12ft tinny with a fart in a hurricane of a motor Im looking for somewhere to go tomorrow to catch me some fish.. so if you see a corolla sedan with a bonnet scoop towing a pretty dodge looking rig that would be me! Ive only had the boat for a couple of weeks and have only taken it out three times thus far myself, once on the parramatta river on its maiden, will it float?, voyage, second to the pittwater where I almost landed what I believe to be a decent sized cobia, and third to narrabeen lakes where nothing was caught while on the boat but just after dark when the mullet were jumping out of the water around the caravan park managed to land a few healthy looking but undersized bream and tarwhine and maybe a small whiting or two and that has been it to date. So tomorrow being my one day in the week off I'm planning to have a boat and rods ready to go tonight so I can get out and be easing my way into the water at dawns crack! And this is where the problem starts, I'm not allergic to travel and I'm at least looking for a fun day out hopefully with something to take home for mum to cook and maybe get some decent photos :). So I was thinking about maybe the hawkesbury, or even upto the entrance, I live in parramatta but Im happy to go to where the fish are if they have been schooling somewhere that someone knows about and is willing to share I'd love to get amongst it. When it comes to the Hawkesbury though Im not sure where I should draw the boundaries for myself or where I should be going...should i dare venture out to flint and steel with only 6hp in tow or should I perhaps try my luck elsewhere? Im keen to attempt to get amongst some kingies or some jewies but with my limited boating skillz and lack of knowledge of the areas not really sure where I should be targetting or how i should setup my rigs so any help would be greatly appreciated and I will do my best to write up a kick butt fishing report should they be on the bite!



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Well done getting a day off midweek mate. Best time to go fishing I reckon.

Personally I wouldn't take a rig like that anywhere too exposed. Flint and steel and most of the lower hawksbury can get choppy and with a bit of wind quite dangerous on a boat that size.

Consider going to middle harbour. Launch at Tunks park and go as far out as balmoral. Or as far upriver as u like. Heaps of sand flats for drifting and heaps of structure for kings.

The entrance is also suitable for a boat like that. Flick plastics for flatties or soak worms for whiting on the runout tide.

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With 6hp, I'd echo advice to avoid flint and steel - the tide comes roaring through there, add even a light breeze, your 6hp might not be enough to get you moving too quickly. Even with my little tinnie's 15hp, I find it a nervous spot, especially due idiots in the huge barge-like powerboats plowing through the prime fishing spots and making wash you could surf on.

In the harbour, I've seen a fair bit of kingie action around Clontarf (north east of balmoral). in a light breeze, you might get away with heading there. I'd say squid is the go for bait.

Apparently the sand flats between spit bridge and balmoral are home to monster flatties.

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Cheers for that guys! I figured the 6hp wouldnt have enough grunt to get around where all the big boys go with their fancy shmansy rigs and to be fair for the moment I cant really afford that so will have to make do and live in the real world but tunks sounds like it might be a goer for tomorrow and I may try and motor my way around to balmoral and see what I can pickup along the way... any good spots to catch some fresh squid? I have a couple of cheap jigs but havnt never actually used them so still getting used to it all on the budget :)..I did take the boat to pittwater the other week where I had a wrestle with a cobia about halfway up but when I came out of the bay that I was in a little while later the chop had picked up and so had the wind and it was a bit of an effort to motor around! but I guess we'll see how we go tomorrow! :)

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