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Cowan Creek Session 13/4/12


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I went for a morning session today with my dad as we both had the day off from work. Fished in Cowan creek as we launched at Apple Tree Bay. Didnt get out there till 9am just as the water was at dead low. My dad had his first session on soft plastics whilst I used a mixture of plastics and local prawns. We tried quite a few of the different bays along the creek. First hour Dad picked up two flathead, one legal and one undersize while all I could manage was a small bream and a stingray that I foul hooked. With my plastics all I kept getting was my tail bitten off, Im thinking it was leatherjackets.


We moved spots to a place we had not tried before and I switched over to the humble old prawn. Within 10mins I had a heavy line and thought it was another ray but we could see in about 12 feet of water the streamlined body of a flattie. Managed to land it within a minute or so. Measured 55cm which was a PB for me (not big in the scheme of things but Im used to fishing in small estuaries so I was really happy. It died down after that and so we tried one last spot for twenty minutes or so where I landed a legal bream but threw that one back and Dad landed another undersize flattie. Saw heaps of large whiting swimming in the shallows but none where interested in taking my bait.


All in all a 3 hour session got us a 55cm and 38cm flathead for the BBQ.


Highlight of the day apart from the fish was seeing a bloke dive into the water from his boat after a unattended rod got pulled overboard by a fish. The bloke managed to retrieve his rod make it back to the boat with the rod still bending. However by the time he hauled himself back aboard the fish had gone. He yelled out to us saying it was a monster flattie. I was ready to applaud him for managing to retrieve his rod unharmed but just yelled back well done.


Not sure if it was a fellow Raider or not, I didnt ask. Maybe they might read this report and let us know how they ended up going.


I was going to post a pic of fish but I only took the photo on my Smartphone and cant find the cord to download to the computer at the moment.

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Nice little session. Cowan is loaded with sharks atm (seen a few in the last month) so he's lucky he didn't come face to face with one of them. I had my rod ripped out of the rod holder (sand tube) in noosa one time and i managed to dive in after it and landed my biggest flattie to date (97cm). lucky i didnt lose the rod/reel as it wasn't a cheapie..

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