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Saturday Outing


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Went out for a fish on Saturday early morning to a local wharf near manly and had success with 4 squid landed and 2 dropped. Decided to also have a look at the Spit Bridge but the water was moving out quite fast so decided on fishing at balmoral. The water was rather dirty and the fishing action was rather quiet. I sent out 1 of the fresh squids and tried to catch a decent small yellow tail. This proved harder than expected as all I could catch was small breams and very large yakkas, largest that I have ever seen, +- 30 cm ones. Anyway finally see the big rod with the squid load up and Zzzzz. I set the hook and at first I thought that it might have been a kingfish but then after looking at the surface in the distance, it appeared to be a large flattie. Oh well that is still not too bad I thought, winding in more line it then became more clearer… A Ray. Oh well it’s my first ever ray. Thanks to the guy that helped me release the ray. Not knowing how to handle the ray and seeing that tail whip about has made me think that getting a boga-grip might be the next best thing to get. Anyway with the hooks safely removed, the ray was released. The rest of the morning I managed a decent Trev which I lost to finally pulling the hook. That’s fishing for you. There seemed to be a fair amount of top water action probably due to taylor and possibly small frigates as one guy said, not sure. No one else seemed to have caught anything and all sort of small lures and poppers were sent out for no results.

Hey, has anyone seen any garfish around as I am really wanting to catch then for dinner. They are just great eating.


Squid Jig

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I used to fish balmoral a fair bit but it just gets too crowded. Especially on weekends but even during the week during winter there are almost always others there. Nice work on the squid. I actually find that fishing there is better in winter! I always got a feed of flathead, trevally, bream and tailor. Yakkas are easier to get from the wharf too during winter!

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