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Albacore Off Sydney


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Went out at sunrise yesterday on a mates new rig, no live bait outside Sydney to be found so we punched out to Botany wide FAD where there was an abundance of Rat Kings and Dollies.

Managed a couple of nice fish before heading off to Browns where we dropped a spread of tuna lures out.

Nothing to be found on the troll so we started cubing wide of the thousand fathom line around 1pm.. just on sundown we raised a big school of albies and had a heap of fun with double and triple hook ups on cubes and jigs.

Unfortunately the weather kicked up sharply from the norwest while we were still about 70km out so it turned into a very long hard trip home - hit the ramp about 10pm.

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All in all a good day out - YFT cant be too far away now!



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That's good news mate !! When u say u raised the alibis can u actually see them in the water feeding ! I've never cubed before but looking to do it very soon !! Do u jus float a pili down on a hook to catch them !!


Barcrusher 610î‡

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That's good news mate !! When u say u raised the alibis can u actually see them in the water feeding ! I've never cubed before but looking to do it very soon !! Do u jus float a pili down on a hook to catch them !!


Barcrusher 610î‡

We only see them on the sounder mate.. its generally right on sundown or dark when we find that we run into albies.

With a 1kw or better transducer and a decent sounder you can actually see your jig going up and down so it's pretty easy to reach the right depth.

The current was still running pretty strong yesterday so we ended up running through 30kg of cubed IQF pillies before we hooked up the first fish with four people on rotation... two people running pillies up and down the trail, one cubing and one jigging.

We caught just as many on the jig as we did on cubes - hope that helps.

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Appreciate it mate ' so when u say u cube do u set up a drift an not motor up back on the same drift ! I'm keen to get my first yft when they come on !!


Barcrusher 610î‡

Nick - jump on that Reef Magic Charter that is being advertised - everything we know about catching Tuna and Marlin we were lucky enough to learn of Mike and Damo onboard Reef Magic - those guys will be happy to show you exactly how its done. Cheers - Marty.

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Hey nick try and get urself a copy of the video "going for gold " its a old film with starlo in it filmed in bermi. Shows u how to cube for fin. And there is a monster 90kg yft caught in the film. It's a great watch . Pm me if u can't get a hold of it

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