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Fixing rod guides?


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I couldn't find much info on reattaching eyes on this site or web. Not sure if i'm using right search terms.

Anyways...I have a loose eye on my guide. It wants to pop out. So I was going to use some super glue to fix it in place.

Will that do the job?

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Strip it off the rod buy a replacement and rewhip to the blank once the insets start to pop outthe guides have pretty much had it.

Or use the super glue, when it breakes again the second time you use it, replace the whole guide, or find someone who can :)

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As ludrick angler said replace the guide. I wouldn't be relying on superglue, as you just never know when that trophy is going to jump on your hook. I'd hate to loose it knowing I could have replaced the guide...

Cheers Leo

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While trying to glue it together I noticed that the reason it had come loose. The metal that the eye sits in has cracked all the way through.

So is replacing a guide on a graphite rod the same as on a fiberglass one?

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It looks like more work than it is!

1. take a sharp knife, and carefully grind off the epoxy over the existing whipping holding the broken eyelet on the rod. do this with the knife over the eyelet, and not over the rod blank.

2. unwind the existing whipping.

3. the old eyelet will pop off.

4. buy an equivalent replacement eyelet at the tacklo, whipping twine in your favorite colour, and buy rod epoxy.<- key step!

5. now, clip one side of the eyelet onto the blank, and whip the other side on. (if you have access to a drill, you can carefully put your blank into the drill and spin the blank which can make the whipping much better and easier). You will probably take about 5 attempts before you get a nice even "whip" on the eyelet. I think it is slightly easier to whip from the eyelet outwards. Check that the eyelet doesn't shift around the rod blank as you whip - you'll need to start again if it does.

6. unclip and whip the other side.

7. mix up the epoxy really well. like 2-3 minutes of mixing. make sure you have even amounts of epoxy and hardener "in the mix".

8. put on a thin coat of epoxy in a well-ventilated space that's warm. (it will take days to harden if the temperature is below 15 degrees)

9. wait at least a day until the epoxy is hard. you can apply a second coat if needed.

It's a bit of work, but I've done it twice, and I actually enjoy looking at the job I did. In fact, I wish I'd even spent more time getting the whips perfect. The expense of twine and epoxy (about $15 each) can be justified (at least to a fisho) by the knowledge that you'll be breaking plenty more eyelets.

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