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Reading Beaches


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Hi there,

I have been fishing from the rocks for about 6 months and have found my way around this quite easy. I usually plan my attack based on wind, moon and tide (plus time of day).

With beaches however I am a little bit more of an amateur.

The beaches I fish like Stanwell Park and Sandon Point all have large headlands next to them so I can actually see the gutters and channels in good detail.

However if I were to walk straight onto the beach I would find it a bit more difficult (except for channels).

Can anyone give me some tips for spotting the wholes, gutters and beach sweet spots from the shore?

Pictures of such would be great, I found a doc online but it was too faded to help me interpret it.


El Feroz

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Best way to find a gutter is to spot an area with calm water that has lots of rougher white water to either side. The calmer water is your gutter and is in deeper water. The rougher water is usually quite shallow and a sandbank. Works for me usually

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Basically just like Mack said, but just remember sometimes the gutter is a lot closer than you can imagine. So don't always be trying to belt out as far of a cast as possible, couple of weeks ago I caught a Trevally and a Tailor from no more than 10m in front of me.

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