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Middle Harbour 30/06/2012


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Hey Fellows raiders,

Just a quick report as we didn't land any fish of significant proportions to warrant a photo shoot :thumbdown:

Launched the Poly around 6am and headed to our favourite bream hole in middle harbour where we proceeded to cube up pilchards for anything down in the depths. The bream seemed to be awfully active after the past week of on/off showers. I'm guessing the slightly murky water gets their guard down. 4/6lb Sunline seemed to do the trick. Most of the bream were legal but we weren't after a feed as both of us had no time to clean and gut. What I did notice was the boils sydangler spoke about, followed by an occasional bust up of fleeing bait fish. Somewhere in between all the bream action...we hooked up twice to what I believe were rogue kingies. Pity they both chose the 4lb setup. NO pics as it turned out. Packed up for home by midday. All in all a decent day. Isn't it always? :thumbup:


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Its amazing how winter puts alot of people off fishing but the rewards are there to be had. In the last month, my older, brother Greg has had some huges sessions in the harbor,,, to name a few 24yakkas= 11+ rats in less than 2 hours, 3 legal jews in a session (including a metre job lost boatside), countless sessions of missed jew runs, some decent size sharks, alot of salmon and big 50cm+ tailor.

Be prepared to get out of a warm bed at 4am when the temp is 10 degrees or coldier, or spend alnighter out their catching your live bait, and your in with a better chance of catching a quality fish!


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