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Smoked in Botany Bay


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G'day raiders,

Not the greatest report but a report non the less.

Headed out with my brother yesterday to botany bay armed with bought squid, pillies, prawns and lures.

Never really fished the area so basically used the sounder to find fish ! We drove around sounding out different markers,buoys, drums etcetc basically anything floating in the water was our potential fishing spot!

Found a few markers holding some bait near bear island so we decided to setup a drift past the markers.

Rigged up a nice beefy squid strip on my 20lb shimano Aernos 4500 and a prawn on my 6lb daiwa procaster 2500 ! My brother setup with cubed pillies on his 6lb gear and the game was on !!

40mins in on consistent drifts past the same marker n bam my Aernos screams rod buckles over n I call it for a king !! After a decent 10min fight the biggest port Jackson shark I have ever caught comes up !! Great but not what I'm after removed the hooks n set him free !! As I've released old porty my brothers rid buckles over and starts to scream !! He holds on for dear life as his Lil outfit is getting owned by the fish !! SNAP!!! Gone mate!!!!!!

Few colorful words later n baits back in the water for our final drift landed another porty that was released n now we decided we need a change of spots !!

So in our Lil 3.85m runabout we decided to head out towards the heads n fish the point !!

Found some good showings on the sounder so dropped our baits again !! Within 3mins of the bait being in the strike zone I get a bump then ZzZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.....zzZzZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzz !! This fish hooked me I didn't hook it the little Aernos was taking a flogging !! So got my bro to bring in all Rods n start chasing this fish !! A minute later as the motor had cranked over I could feel the 20lb fc leader rubbing on the rocks!! C'mon don't snap I'm praying .... Snap !!! Game over fish 1 Jez 0 !!

By this stage the wind had turned n swell was on its way up fast so we quickly packed up n heading back in fished the hot water outlet for a 35cm flounder which got dropped at the boat n a few slimy Mack which went out as live bait for 0 !!

Hmm all in very decistate lost what I thought would have been my first LEGAL or even decent size king !! Oh well next will have a go!

"Note to self, always take out the big gear because snapper outfits aren't meant for big kings"

Anyways my rant is over I mean report lol

I didn't take any pics nothing worth picturing!

Hope you guys enjoyed the read



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haha good read Jez and better luck next time! Brave of you to also go to the heads in a little tinnie :1yikes: I guess everything comes with experience :biggrin2:

Hehehe yes experience plays a vital key in landing good fish !! Hehehe glad you enjoyed the read mate :)

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Good report mate. Shame u lost the fish. 20lb gear will handle most kings upto about 70cm. But it take experience to play them out and a bit of luck.

Upper middle harbour will hold kings as long as there hasn't been to much rain.

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Yeah I was hoping I'd hook a specimen around the 70cm mark to test out the new setup but this was definately a bigger fish n ontop of that not much experience chasing big fish so that's the 2 factors that lost the fish cause I tell u now that hook is still in its gob !!

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