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Barramundi caught in Lane Cove

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post-507-069233800 1341285039_thumb.jpgHi All,

Enjoying the winter sun down at the Lane Cove river for lunch and watching this guy fish with his kids , when he hooks a fish and grabs the net.

I walked over to see what it was and the below is what he caught!!!!!!

I thought to myself it couldnt be , but I think it is!!!.

Can anyone tell me I had too much sun , or am I in Queensland and not Sydney.



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Around the 50cm mark it was missing an eye and it did a couple of flps and jumps on the rocks before they got it in the net.

Yeah, i'd definitely say someones put it in there. It happens every now and again but the fish don't last long in our climate! Although there's still a chance that he followed the warm currents down from QLD and ended up in LCR!

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Yeah, i'd definitely say someones put it in there. It happens every now and again but the fish don't last long in our climate! Although there's still a chance that he followed the warm currents down from QLD and ended up in LCR!

If it was in the middle of summer and the water temps are up around 26 degrees then there might be a very slight chance it came thorugh the currents but we're in the middle of winter and the water temps are around 16-17 degrees, far too cold for it to have come down by itself. Some cultures release farm bred fish as part of a ceremony so i would say thats the cause. The thing is they don't know the damage it can cause if the fish is carrying a foreign parasite. The barra isn't going to last for more than a few days with the water temps in winter, and no more than a few months in summer anyways so they're not really doing the fish any good.

Edited by Krispy !
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If it was in the middle of summer and the water temps are up around 26 degrees then there might be a very slight chance it came thorugh the currents but we're in the middle of winter and the water temps are around 16-17 degrees, far too cold for it to have come down by itself. Some cultures release farm bred fish as part of a ceremony so i would say thats the cause. The thing is they don't know the damage it can cause if the fish is carrying a foreign parasite. The barra isn't going to last for more than a few days with the water temps in winter, and no more than a few months in summer anyways so they're not really doing the fish any good.

Totally agree mate, thats what i was implying... The barra in the photo looks like its been in the wars a bit. Any ideas?

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I remember some being caught years ago and it was supposed to be people buying them live from the markets to stop them being killed for a meal,so their idea was to let them go and be free.It won't work for the poor old barra especially in Sydney in the middle of winter.Honey and soy seems like a more favourable option to me.

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May be we could identify the cultures / religions that practice this rituals and send the info about how these fish end up, the potential environmental damage and suggest alternatives.

The alternative I am thinking is, buy fingerlings and release them in co-ordination with the people who knows, like DPI - if they must have a hand in the release. Well I don't know much about fish stocking, but I guess my point is they can help with fish stocking, which is probably way more meaningful than releasing fish to certain death with potential environmental disaster.

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I can solve Barra riddle.

Every so often a Budist group goes to fish markets and buys live Barra to release. Good karma and they believe in saving life. They used to let them go in Centennial Park and the remaining ones are in poor condition and our club may be involved in trying to remove them. They have made agreement with park and now only buy live bass to release in park. My guess, particularly given poor condition of fish is that this is what has happened.

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