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If Plan A & B fail, Try Plan C.


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Hi All,

Quick report on today's session. The original plan was to flick some soft plastics around the Quarantine Station at North Head but due to the wind decided to give it a miss and bring Plan B into action. Headed down to Spit Reserve where the wind wasn't much better but the $13.50 car park fees for four hours put that decidedly into the "Stick that" category.

So Plan C was bought into action and headed south to home and a stop off at Port Botany. 3rd cast and an undersize flattie on a squidgie almost as big as itself was quickly released. Bugger all for the next hour or so and just on the last of the run out tide, Rossco, my fishing buddy lets out a hoot as his 3 kg Shimano raider buckles over nicely.

First call was for a decent size flattie but very soon changed as Mr Sambo decides to give us a tail walking demonstration. After 5 or ten minutes of two-ing and fro-ing, I mange to tail grab the beast, with Rossco suitably chuffed on landing the fine specimen on 4lb Braid.

Another 5 or 6 dozen last casts and i finally nailed another Flattie before we called it quits for home.


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That's an awesome effort. The temp was great today but the wind was a bit strong. I have always wanted to fish down at the Q station. Me and the missus stayed there for a night about 3 weeks ago, the water is crystal clear it's amazing.

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