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Big Cray


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I remember this story from 2003 about this guy Brian Hoult who was fishing just north of Whangarei (2 hours north of Auckland) out of a boat in 30 metres of water using a whole squid as bait when this monster grabbed the bait and would'nt let go. It was never hooked it just wouldnt let go, it measured 1.34 metres and was estimated to be 100 years old.

Mr Hoult had some marine biologist type put it in a tank as it was healthy and was waiting for it to shed its skin which Mr Hoult wanted to keep and then the Cray was to be put back in the sea. was a female packhorse

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OMG! That is a monster. I didn't think that crays grew that large! I am sure he was surprised to see it on his line!

Did he get to keep the shell?



Never heard the end result Lightweight..........I hope so :thumbup:

Been brewing lately? :biggrin2:

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Hi Clutch,

Yeah, but not as much as i normally would do for this time of year. :risata:

I have just been too busy with work to knuckle down and put a few batches on. I am currently enjoying an amber ale at the moment, but it needs another 3-4 weeks to get to the stage that i can say it is a good beer.

I have also found a "new favourite" and it comes from over your way, the Montieths Black is a superb drop for this time of year. I have a few in the fridge at the moment. This beer almost is as good as the Coopers Best Extra Stout, and that is a world class drop! :beersmile::beersmile:

How's your brews coming along, last i saw was a picture of your latest batch, and it looked the goods!



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I am getting worried, everything seems to be getting bigger and better over there, the Broadbill Swordfish, Mako's, Striped Marlin, Snapper, Sheep and now the lobsters.

At this rate, give or take a few years you will be making up Aussie jokes and we will be immigrating to New Zealand.

Does New Zealand export many lobsters? The market that existed in Western Australia would appear to have hit hard times evident from the fact you can buy them in Woolworth’s for $12 each. Tasmania seems to be into exporting them also and I think also had a good market supplying live Lobster to restaurants.

Then again they can breed them with two heads down there.


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I am getting worried, everything seems to be getting bigger and better over there, the Broadbill Swordfish, Mako's, Striped Marlin, Snapper, Sheep and now the lobsters.




Martin it funny you should ask about exporting them froim here as working for Air NZ cargo I see heaps of them go to Hong Kong every day. In fact on of the Storemen dropped a number of boxes this afternoon and there were a good 20 of them flapping around the place.

They are all flown up from the South Island

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  • 1 month later...
I am getting worried, everything seems to be getting bigger and better over there, the Broadbill Swordfish, Mako's, Striped Marlin, Snapper, Sheep and now the lobsters.


Thought of your post Martin when I was looking at a forum from over here where a guy posted a pic of his 220kg bluefin tuna........He called it a Northern, but if you dont get southern in NZ then where do you get them :wacko:

(not that I would know)

He reckons they lost one after an 11 hour fight that made this one and the rest look sick :biggrin2:

caught on 24kg. The only pic was this tiny thing

Should add it was caught off Greymouth west coast of the south` island ..........reckons they have em june to Sept

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Just what I needed!!!!!!!!!! More sand kicked it our face. Have you no mercy.

I have not been fishing for months now, every time I plan a day something comes up.

The pros have brought our tuna fishery to its knees and as always it takes a disaster before any attempt to regulate the commercial fishery. However its the recreational fisherman that the tree huggers tend to point a finger at so we are constantly regulated and plans are afoot to revise bag limits, down not up.

Clutch, buy real estate now before the mass migration from Australia before we claim New Zealand as the true indigenous population before we were driven out.

PS Can we get free health care, housing grants and fish the way our ancestors did using leaver drags and 10 stainless steel ball bearing reels in a matched combo graphite rods.


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Just what I needed!!!!!!!!!! More sand kicked it our face. Have you no mercy.

PS Can we get free health care, housing grants and fish the way our ancestors did using leaver drags and 10 stainless steel ball bearing reels in a matched combo graphite rods.



By the way Martin, have you tried trout fishing :biggrin2:

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i often wondered what effect the French nuclear tests at the Atoll had on the fish, guess we know now.


We only fish at night............they're easier to catch when they glow in the dark :biggrin2:

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