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Tip on avoiding getting leather jacketed


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Hey Raiders,

Jigging around this time of year around 12 mile = leather jacket biting your gear off lol.

Last year i burleyed the jackets to the surface and dropped by jigson the other side of the boat, the result, no line snipping as the jig drops down faster than ive seen the leather jacket swim...also got a food feed on leather jackets lol.

Give it a try it worked for me, the worse that can happen is you get a feed of leather jackets lol.

Hope this helps,

Cheers, Stan

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I remember the day we were out and they made extremely short work of your carefully prepared rigs. Well frustrating! They seem to be everywhere right now - we watching jackets swarm at our jigs at Brown's recently.


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Dave, dont remind me mate haha all that heat seal down the stomach of those dam jackets. Notice how they were where my bait was tho. Thats why im saying burley them up, so you can drop your jigs down.

Worked for me on my last 2 trips.

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