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Too early for landbased flathead?


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Just a quick question, with spring now here, is it still too early for land based flatties? I picked up a flathead on plastics at Balmoral the other day. Have places like Narra lake warmed up enough for flatties to come back on consistently?

I'm itching for a flathead feed...


I'm going to find out (at Narra) next Wednesday. Forecast of 26C which might warm up the shallows enough to make the flatties feel hungry...

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G'day guys,

I was talking to a bloke at work just yesterday and he told me that there's an old saying; when the wattle is in bloom, the flathead start biting. Probably an old husband's tale, but there may be some element of truth to it. Anyway, it never hurts to just go and start fishing for them at any rate. So long as someone can turn off this bloody wind in Sydney! Brrrrr.


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Have caught more flathead this winter than ever before. 6 last weekend Crescent Head. Narrabeen Lake by bridge, Pittwater and Palm Beach. But........all under 25cm.......some as small as 15cm taking SPs nealy the same length.

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