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Roseville - 1/9/12


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Hi raiders,

Haven't posted a report in a month or so.. Got out last weekend to roseville and picked up a few bream and trevally on prawns... Murphy's law, forgot the camera ... No worries! Headed out again today. Started off at my favourite honey hole.. Not a single bite after an hour.. Switched to SP and nothing so eventually headed elsewhere.. Headed to another spot i have caught good fish at before.. Around 50 meters to the right of the ramp.. Straight away hooked up! Turned out to be a lovely 31cm bream :biggrin2: Gave me a fun fight on 6lb and was very fat for its length.. Around 20 mins later same thing and pulled up another good bream. This one going 30cm.. Both bream were released to fight another day! Just before calling it quits i nailed another 27cm bream on SP.. Unfortunately only got one photo as the phone ran out of charge shortly after the first fish... :mad3: All in all a nice day! Even though it was EXTREMELY tough going.. 5 hours for 3 fish.. Ah well.. Only a few days til i can FINALLY pick up the new yak! Hopefully that all goes well :thumbup:

post-14949-054142200 1346482214_thumb.png

Cheers, Tom

Edited by mack attack 79
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Top report tom! What sp were you using if you don't mind me asking?

Mix of 2" Gulp Shrimp and 80mm bloodworm wriggler. The wriggler was the only one that got a fish today..

Picking up a new yak? awesome!!!! :D i've got the hobie revolution and its been so good to me. Love that yak very dearly.. sniffles. :P

I had a look at the revolution! Top yak! Ended up spending a little more and going for the new pro angler 12.. Can't wait to get into a few kings during summer!

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Great work Tom, persistence pays off and hope you get maximum out of the new kayak! By the way I enjoy reading your responses to Raiders questions seeking help or advice, good on you for taking the time and effort and helping out, your a champion!

Al the best


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Great work Tom, persistence pays off and hope you get maximum out of the new kayak! By the way I enjoy reading your responses to Raiders questions seeking help or advice, good on you for taking the time and effort and helping out, your a champion!

Al the best


Thanks for the kind words mate :biggrin2: I enjoy writing the responses so its a win win situation! Starting to lose sleep thinking about the yak! Can't wait !!!!

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Hey mack attack. I 'm seriously thinking bout a pa12. Do you thing they would be suitable for headlands like long reef or just harbour and estury fishing.?

Certainly could be good for longy mate! On a calm day you could comfortably stand up and fish... I actually did a "DEMO" of the yak and its a great machine. Easy to use, foot pedals are great and man that chair is so comfortable! The livebait tank on the back makes it even better! I'll PM you who to talk to about them if your interested..


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