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Best spots for night fish in Cowan?


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I'm looking to go for a night fish in Cowan Creek/ Brooklyn area and was hoping to find some deep holes for Jew Fish but without a sounder this will surely prove to be difficult. Can anyone share certain locations to drop a bait?

Edited by Predatory
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Usually the drop-offs are best. Preferably in the end of bays such as Waratah, Jerusalem, little Jerusalem etc.

Cowan is a large expanse of water and is deep. So just pulling up at a place that looks good can just produce either nothing or hoards of tiny red bream. However anchoring on the edge of a drop-off, casting some lines up onto the shallows and on or two out into the deeper water is productive in my experience and from what I've read.

Moving along just off the drop-offs and casting SPs into the shallows is also good.

If live baiting always have a small squid jig handy. There seem to be plenty of squid trying to do a lobotamy on any live bait (yellowtail etc). If your live baits are under a float, just lob the jig next to it evey now and then.

Berley is pretty much a must if anchoring too. It brings the bait fish around which attract larger fish as well.

Hope this helps.

Let us know how you go. Cowan also can be great for "getting away from it all".


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Shark Rock point, Cowan Point and the Entrance to Smiths Creek are supposed to be good for Jewies. Big drop offs close to shore. I've tried The entrance to smiths but have mainly caught those annoying monodactor (or whatever they are called) things (they look like they belong in a tropical fish tank). Did get a nice falthead there though. It's a rough bottom and gear losses can be high.


ps. There is a DVD around (I don't thik I'm supposed to mention any names)that is all about jewies which actually shows you some specific spots. I've already mentioned 2 of them.

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