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Harbour Sambo


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Afternoon Raiders,

I had the oppourtunity to get out for a couple hours of fishing today.

Arriving at my spot of choice at 10:00am armed with fresh squid and a choice of light or heavy tackle, I decided the light tackle would be the way to go.

After about 1 hour without a single enquiry on the squid strips finally the rod slightly buckles over, first thought came to mind Bream but unsure of size as this spot usually produces bream thus the reason light tackle is my preference.

Anyhow after a couple of runs I decided to tighten up the drag a bit and show the fish on the end of the line who was boss, Little did I know what I was dealing with :1yikes: as soon as I gave it a bit it went bezerke and did at least 5 more runs, I was thinking to myself could it be a trev or a small king perhaps, then first glimpse of it, a aussie salmon easily 60 cm could'nt believe what I was dealing with and armed with a 6lb outfit I knew I was in for a hard time because I had no net and I would have to deadlift it, if I managed to tire the fish out so I just decided to see how I go no other option really :thumbup:

After a 5 min battle and alot of aerobatics I managed to tire the fish and tried to lift it onto a rock, it was then that the fish had a sudden burst of energy and busted off :ranting2:

Anyway lesson learned never fish without a net!!!!!!

After all that I carried on fishing for a couple of hours for not even a single touch, but you could not get the grin off my face as I really enjoyed playing the sambo too bad I did'nt land it but hey there's always next time!!!!



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geez nathan you dropped him at the last moment damn

you really are making the most of your time off and making up for lost time fishing wise im still am yet to catch a salmon but have eaten a fresh fillet i dont mind it tasted good in my eyes also squid hasn't been producing for me as of late even fresh heres one i got before work keep the fish reports coming mate :1fishing1:

post-9942-054223000 1348656521_thumb.jpgpost-9942-034060600 1348656571_thumb.jpg


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Hey Mick,

I am trying to get myself back into fishing again, due to not having much luck over the past few months and day to day stress it kinda put me off so I am hoping if I spend enough time at it Ill get the mojo back and I think its working and will continue to keep at it because persistence is the key to sucess and not just in fishing!!!

if your keen to get out one weekend please let me know, would like to catch up with you.

By the way how is the family?



By the Way Nice Calamari!!!!!!

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Good on you Nathan. My Mrs wouldn't allow a 'fishy smelling' net to be left in the car!

By the way hope the salmon fight reignites the fishing passion and no doubt you will win round 2. I've never caught one but heard they are savage fighters so well done on getting within a whisker of landing him on light gear!!

Also surprising you didn't get many enquiries even with fresh bait...fussy fish!!

All the best


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