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harbour drummer session


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Sitting at home this morning thinking Wat to do. First went to try for some mullet for Jew baits for tomorrow but nothing.

Got home had to rethink. Decided I would give drummer ago. Never chased them never caught one before.

Walked down to fairlight beach with a bucket full of bread and a 15lb spin stick rigged up (no spare tackle). Had to wade out into knee deep water so I had my burly bucket hanging off my arm the whole session. First cast and with in seconds my reel was screaming but pulled the hooks I was not ready for that. Next half hour was a bit slow with a few half takes and missed hook ups then my float disappears and te rod loads up to a good fish after a hood fight out wide he powered straight in and into a cave at my feet which saw me in chest deep water trying to pull him free. Got home out and on to the rocks a solid silver maybe 40cm. Quick snap and he want back.

For there it fired up with 4 more silvers and 2 blacks around the 30cm mark and one solid black around 40cm (no ruler so just guessing). At some point I lost both split shots I had on and by the end my hook was nearly straightened lol.

Good fun in the rain. They definitely fight hard next time I want to try on the bream gear.

Edited by sydangler
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