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Botany Bay Boating issues and Proposals


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I found this on the RMS website while looking for something else.


Some interesting reading and ideas.

I personally have not had any major dramas on Botany Bay but obviously many others do. Most things that annoy me (apart from jet skis- the cockroaches of the waterways my wife calls them) are the result of pure ignorance. Just yesterday when a mate and I were luring casting for lizards in water only just over a metre deep and obviously casting towards the shore, a clown on a 5 metre boat drove through between us and the shore! We could easily have landed our lures over his boat. I enquired as to why he didn't drive over where we were fishing next time! He motored on, probably wondering what I was complaining about. He obviously knew nothing about etiquette on the water or the area he was in. There are some serious rocks only 50 metres from where he was. I'm generally a pretty passive type of person but this idiot was on the receiving end of a few harsh words. There were lizards to be caught there before he motored through!


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Guest Aussie007

kel the thing is some boat drivers see your boat and automatically think your in safe waters for them to pass by as your still floating and not sand banked u have to keep in mind some of these people are not fisher man and some dont even have licenses but there still on the water

im a boater, fisherman, and a jetski owner/rider when im in new water ways i have become confused in the past and i know as much as it pisses people off ive had to drive over to a boat with people fishing to ask for directions i previously looked at the maritime map for apple tree bay but bend after bend u can become confused i would have hated to be stranded out there or even to ask for marine recuse assistance the guy fishing from hes boat was pissed but u know what ive had people come up to my boat and ask for directions in botany bay while i was fishing i was more than happy to show the directions

so someone scaring off your fish making u angry isnt a good day out just relax move to another spot u never know things happen for a reason and this might even put u onto the fish

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kel the thing is some boat drivers see your boat and automatically think your in safe waters for them to pass by as your still floating and not sand banked u have to keep in mind some of these people are not fisher man and some dont even have licenses but there still on the water

im a boater, fisherman, and a jetski owner/rider when im in new water ways i have become confused in the past and i know as much as it pisses people off ive had to drive over to a boat with people fishing to ask for directions i previously looked at the maritime map for apple tree bay but bend after bend u can become confused i would have hated to be stranded out there or even to ask for marine recuse assistance the guy fishing from hes boat was pissed but u know what ive had people come up to my boat and ask for directions in botany bay while i was fishing i was more than happy to show the directions

so someone scaring off your fish making u angry isnt a good day out just relax move to another spot u never know things happen for a reason and this might even put u onto the fish

I'd be more than happy to help someone out if they approached from the side I was not obviously fishing into - we were casting lures and both facing the same direction remember. It was obvious what we were doing. I should not have to move from a productive area because of the actions on someone else.

As for not having a licence, I've paid for mine and I expect EVERY skipper of a boat that you need a licence to be in control of to have one. There were red channel markers behind us - skippers should know what these mean or they should not be on the water endangering themselves, their passengers and other boaties. I'm afraid ignorance is no excuse in my mind. Sorry to disagree with you!


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With many people getting a boat license in one day and a 'no fail' testing regime, a lot of people have no idea how to use channel markers. If asked, many simply believe you only need drive between them and the colours don't really matter. This may be so in some places but get up the Hawkesbury and into Brisbane Water and one has to understand how to use them to avoid running aground.

As for inconsiderate, I had a Fastlane 40 come within 10m of my boat last Saturday, in the no wash zone between Dangar Island and the rail bridges. I estimate he was doing 30 to 40 kts as he came from under the bridge and weaves between the few boats fishing there. Idiot.

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I'd be more than happy to help someone out if they approached from the side I was not obviously fishing into - we were casting lures and both facing the same direction remember. It was obvious what we were doing. I should not have to move from a productive area because of the actions on someone else.

As for not having a licence, I've paid for mine and I expect EVERY skipper of a boat that you need a licence to be in control of to have one. There were red channel markers behind us - skippers should know what these mean or they should not be on the water endangering themselves, their passengers and other boaties. I'm afraid ignorance is no excuse in my mind. Sorry to disagree with you!


I agree with the licence point, absolutely. However, I don't think it means much in the end. I've been out on a boat with people who have a licence, and yet have no understanding of where they should and shouldn't be driving, particularly when it comes to being mindful of others. They compare it to driving on the road, where you have clearly marked lanes, signs and so on - these signs are easy to ignore on the river, often with no real repercussions for ignoring them, apart from riling other people up.

The trouble is that they don't go out on their boat much - the maritime equivalent of 'Sunday drivers', and so don't have the experience or the foresight to be mindful of others. Hence, when you let them know (politely, of course!) that they're not being considerate drivers, the general response is 'Huh?' - they literally have no idea.

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The trouble is that they don't go out on their boat much - the maritime equivalent of 'Sunday drivers', and so don't have the experience or the foresight to be mindful of others. Hence, when you let them know (politely, of course!) that they're not being considerate drivers, the general response is 'Huh?' - they literally have no idea.

Having had a friendly chat with some I got to appreciate the sense of frustration some people have. They buy a boat to have fun and go fast with all the toys (tubes, boards, etc) and load up with friends and kids. Only to find its not as simple as getting out there and blasting around like you see on the TV. Speed limits, no wash zones, other boats, people fishing, seamanship, etiquette and maintenance weren't in the brocheure and in some places really limit the fun to be had.

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With many people getting a boat license in one day and a 'no fail' testing regime, a lot of people have no idea how to use channel markers. If asked, many simply believe you only need drive between them and the colours don't really matter. This may be so in some places but get up the Hawkesbury and into Brisbane Water and one has to understand how to use them to avoid running aground.

As for inconsiderate, I had a Fastlane 40 come within 10m of my boat last Saturday, in the no wash zone between Dangar Island and the rail bridges. I estimate he was doing 30 to 40 kts as he came from under the bridge and weaves between the few boats fishing there. Idiot.

He would have found an empty stubby joining him on the flybridge if he tried that on me :1badmood:

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He would have found an empty stubby joining him on the flybridge if he tried that on me :1badmood:

Usually I am a hard man to stun, but I just stood there, mouth open, thinking WTF and he was past in seconds... he was going that hard he was past Parsley Bay (from Dangar) in well under a minute. The epitome of everything that gives big boat drivers a bad rep.

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