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Roseville Bridge......The First time


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Hi Raiders,

Finally, after months of crossing the Roseville Bridge to and from work, I got an opportunity to have a quiet fish on Friday afternoon last. The weather was warm, but overcast with a light flukey nor'easter. I parked at the picnic area at about 3.30, in time for the low tide. A group of nice young blokes had pulled up and were bait fishing from the shore in front of the cars, so I felt confident to leave the car unlocked and wander along the shoreline to the bridge and back chucking lures as I went.

I tried a variety of lures, from deep and shallow diving hardbodies, to plastics and blades. I only got one bump on a plastic worm, and that was all the interest I could muster from down below. I lost a small Tassie Devil and a blade in the process, but the afternoon was so quiet and peaceful that I couldn't have cared less, really. I finally packed up after I lost my blade and about 5 meters of line to the oyster covered rocks.

Being the first trip to Roseville Bridge I could see a plethora of likely spots to fish land based, but I'd love some more info on the location.

Does anyone have any suggestions if fishing the eastern or western side of the bridge is better? And what lures / rigs seem to work best for bream and flathead?

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For me the picnic area is pretty quiet.. Either the area betwenn the bridge and overhead pipe (and just to the upstream side of the bridge can be good) or well upstream of the picnic area. It's the sort of area you have to crack the code for. So experimenting with different lures/retrieves/techniques is a good idea.

Cheers, Tom

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Went back there again (the picnic ground) this arvo between 3.30 and 7.30. We had chicken schnitzel for lunch at work, so I grabbed a couple of extras for bait. The 1st cast had me onto a nice 30cm tailor before I even had a chance to set the baitrunner lever!. No pics because the stupid camera's battery contacts were dirty. Anticipating more fun, it was another 1hr and a quarter before my next hookup. Another tailor, about 20cm. This one pinned himself through the shoulders, would you believe! I couldn't have done a better job if I was rigging him for a livey. After that, the tide started to run in. Lot's of pickers cleaning the No. 1 circle hook, but no hookups until a tiny little yellowfin bream about 8cm bit off more than he could chew.

Fished on until 7.30 when I ran out of schnitzel. All fish returned to the water healthy, of course. Perhaps the picnic grounds area might be better during the runout tide. I'll definitely try the other areas mentioned, thanks for the tip guys. Just hope I don't lose too much gear on the oyster covered rocks at high tide.

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