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Fishing Trip


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Well as the old saying goes, "the best laid plans of mice and men..." anyway, i had it in mind to go fishing in the new boat last friday so i left work at 10am (after signing more cheques than i care to remember) and went down to Akuna Bay and with all the rods, bait and new tackle i bought, i struggled down to the boat only to find...the bloody mechanics had not yet finished their work and they had the battery isolation swith off and had gone to buy a new one. So that buggered the idea. No problems, Saturday is the next day and the wind forecast is 5 to 10 knotts, you beauty. Unfortunately i made the mistake of telling my wife i was going and she "convinced" me she and our little bloke should come. No worries i thought, instead of getting out at first light it will be 0830 or so. The only problem is no one told our little son to cooperate and between him not wanting to eat breakfast and her generally stuffing around it was 11.30 before we got to the boat. So out we go into the great bule yonder and we threw the pick out opposite Cottage Point. I floated a pilly out, put a prawn down and flicked a SP. Almost immediately our nearly 2 year old decided to ty to throw himself overboard and when i stopped him doing that he started to scream then my wife decided to start shouting at him and i put my hands over my ears! Well after an hour of that i decided the noise of the 225 was preferable so i pulled up anchor and motored over towards the rail bridge, threw out the anchor and set the rods, by this time it was about 1.30pm and my dear wife says "it will be getting cold soon, i think we should be heading back so Jeremy does not get too cold". So back to Akuna i go, she goes to the restaurant while i clean the boat (and drop the flushing connector for the motor in the drink!!!!!).

There must be a lesson here but i am yet to fathom out what that is.

Fish hard & fish longer.

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:074::074: Geez that was funny Harold a really good post mate. I would give you a hug and tell you next time will be better but the other boy's might talk about us. My 10 and 7 year old are great for the first 30 min's then it's on for young and old. We can all relate mate, again very very :074:


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As usual Harold, the non fishing aspects of your reports are the highlight!!!


My little girl is too young to take fishing yet but I hope when she reaches Jeremy's age she doesn't try and jump over the side!!!

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Guest bluecod


I feel for you mate as I've been there a while ago and put those experiences in some dark recess of my mind :wacko:

There's one easy solution - its called a Hutchwilco [Kid's size] life jacket - the one with the handle behind the collar, the full zip up the front and ties at the back. Not only is it part straight-jacket, the handle is one of its best features - if the kid goes overboard they are easily retrieved with a boat hook. :thumbup:

I kid you not, once put on the child and the reasons explained, they don't try and take them off and are very well behaved. A properly fitting life-jacket was mandatory for my kids until they could swim well enough to save themselves.

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Guest Jocool
they stay upright when you throw them in the water aswell!!!


Getting sick of them are you Chris?

Harold...Great to see that I'm not alone when I have bad days! :1clap:

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Jeremy will be 2 next week and yes we do have that type of life jacket for him. Actually when you think about it, it is these very events that we remember when our kids leave home. My oldest kids are 32 and 28 and some of my fondest memories now, didnt seem so great at the time (like the time when my oldest son was 2 and he hit me in the head with a hammer as i lay on the floor, off to hospital we went).

Next time i think i might just venture out on my own for as few hours.

CU on the water


Edited by harold
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