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Hawthorne Canal - Kids having some fun with the bream


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Happy New Year Raiders!
Last week I took my two kids for a session at our local waterway in Iron Cove with the aim of having some quality time with them and also having some fun catching a few fish and getting them away from the TV, DS games and any other screen device.
Using a simple light rig that consisted of a small float, No 2 hook, no sinker, and dough for bait, we casted only a few metres from the shore into the berley trail that we set up.
The kids got excited every time their float went under and even more excited when they caught a fish :banana:
They were very pleased to catch and release several bream in the 20cm to 24cm range the biggest going 28cm.
This is the 28cm specimen and my daughter said "The big fish pulled really hard dad"
Her brother was being cheeky and didn't want his photo taken as his fish were smaller than his sister's :1naughty:
There were plenty of garfish swimming around but we could not tempt them onto the hook and the kids had fun using their butterfly nets and scooping up tiny shrimp and placing them in a bucket to get a better look and study them.
All fish were released to fight another day and after we had enough we then went to Birkenhead Point for a nice lunch and an ice cream :)
It was a memorable outing together, catching some fish and then having lunch and ice cream together, it doesn't get much better :yahoo:
Here's one I caught and released a few days later just on dusk at Rodd Point nearby. A lovely blue nose just over 37cm in prime condition that went real hard on a few sizzling runs in the shallow water and gave me some serious stick on 4lb braid 6lb leader. I must say, going by the fight I was expecting to see a bigger specimen when I landed it. Apologies for the sand in the photo, the fish was flipping and bouncing around everywhere and I didn't want to keep him out of the water too long.
Many thanks in advance for reading and for any comments posted.
All the best
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