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Advice for fishing off Yena in Kurnell


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Hi guys,

Was wondering if some of the experienced fishos who've spent some time on the rocks in Kurnell could part with some advice.

I have fished on the low, well protected stones at the bottom of the steps. That whole area pretty much walking right facing the water right up until the second set of steps further up. I always wear cleats, even in these relatively "safe" (if you're not stupid) conditions and always pay attention to the water. I've been going there weekly (or almost) for over a year or so.

Even though I am not by any means a risk taker - I won't go down to a ledge that has water washing up on it, I always wear cleats and always have my eyes on the water. I am just really after any advice any one can give me with regards to safety in this area, and also some Fishing tips wouldn't go astray! Planning to use Cunji, Crabs (if I can get them) and Prawns. I have an Alvey 650A5 and a matching 13' Beachmaster stick.

I'd love to learn as much as I can about safety first, then fishing second.

Thanks in advance for your wisdom!

Edited by Mousse
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I went there one morning about 2 months ago - got there at 5:30am ... Parked my car outside the gate on Captain Cook Drive.

Hiked up the hill - took me about 25 minutes to get there.

Put my bag down - and then a group of 10 blokes rocked up ... the gate opened at 6:00am :D

There are some suicidal guys that fish there - I watched guys getting smashed by waves and they didnt move.
One guy was sitting on an esky right out on this sharp point sort of rock that sticks out into the water the furthest. Crazy.

( Sorry I cant help - I'm new to beach / rock fishing too .. )

Good luck!

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I don't want to be one of those blokes! Not a risk taker, Don't care how big the fish is.

That's why I'm on here as much as I can trying to read and ask questions. I'd never ask about anyones secret spot, but I would always ask about safety aspects about a spot I intend to fish myself.

To someone relatively inexperienced like us - it pays to ask as much as you can and hopefully someone who has some experience, be it good or bad, will give you advice that may just save you from serious injury or worse.

At the end of the day, if you're level headed, with a bit of common sense and don't take stupid risks this is the greatest pastime in the world. For me - hearing the pounding waves against rock beats the tranquil serenity of a little lake somewhere remote - but each to their own.

Soon I'll be posting pics of PBs from the rocks and it will be thanks to the help I got on this website - for both fishing tips and the fact that I'm still alive to post them!

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G'day mate. I've not been there before, however, when I fish from the rocks I always wear my spiked boots, light clothing that would be easy to swim in, my phone with the gps on in a water proof case that floats around my neck and any other gear I have well back from water and as high as possible. I do this even when there is no swell. let people know your going and never turn your back on the water. I use my 650a5 off the rocks it's a great reel, I lost a lot tackle 1st few trips to snags, but now I use a pear or stick float depending on what I'm fishing for and lose very little. Hopefully someone who fishes there regularly will answer your question better.

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Thanks for the tips guys.

SMn I've been using a ball sinker straight down to the hook but getting lots of snags. I'm going to try a paternoster rig next time, with a spoon sinker instead. I'll see if that works.

I usually only use cunje and prawns, and just started to experiment with catching little crabs, and I'm not too sure how they'd go under a float if I'm targeting Pigs and Grouper.

What do you usually target of the stones using a float? I know guys targeting Kings would use livies under a float - but my main aim at the moment is drummer and grouper. I'm keen to hear anyone's ideas regarding snags when fishing for these species. Appreciate any advice I can get.

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Guest hawkesbass

Best advice i can give is go as light as possible on the sinker too let the bait move around in the wash and not anchor the bait too the bottom too avoid snags when i chase drummer off the rocks normally only use a small splitshot or a 00 size ball sinker

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Thanks hawkesbass. I usually do go pretty small on the sinker, about an 0 or 00.

I just started using an Alvey 650A5 and a lot heavier line and bigger sharper hooks - and I've been getting snagged a lot more than when I used to fish lighter line and smaller hooks on the Stradic (basically a bream set up).

I just beefed things up in order to improve my catch. I don't really want to use a float - as almost everyone says small sinker and usually straight down to the hook for pigs and grouper. I guess it's just the sharper and better quality hooks that are snagging easier - and the hook up rate has dropped due to the heavier gear. But when I get it right the rewards will be there...

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Thanks for the tips guys.

SMn I've been using a ball sinker straight down to the hook but getting lots of snags. I'm going to try a paternoster rig next time, with a spoon sinker instead. I'll see if that works.

I usually only use cunje and prawns, and just started to experiment with catching little crabs, and I'm not too sure how they'd go under a float if I'm targeting Pigs and Grouper.

What do you usually target of the stones using a float? I know guys targeting Kings would use livies under a float - but my main aim at the moment is drummer and grouper. I'm keen to hear anyone's ideas regarding snags when fishing for these species. Appreciate any advice I can get.

Hi mate I usually get salmon, tailor, bonito and other pelagics with a big weighted pear float, about 1 1/2m trace and then a set of gang hooks or a single hook depending on bait... The rig for black fish uses a pencil float and a leader similar setup, I've caught bream and groper on that. The idea is to keep the bait just off the bottom or where the fish are instead of bottom bashing. Checkout some rig styles and try a few they have easily reduced my snags to almost nil. The light weighted black fish setup suits an Alvey very well.

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Just remember mate...

There are old rock fishos,,,,,,,

The are bold rock fishos.......


There are no old bold rock fishos!!!!!



True mate!

I'm in the young(ish) bald rock fisho category at the moment! Definitely want to graduate to the old bald rock fisho group!

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Hi mate I usually get salmon, tailor, bonito and other pelagics with a big weighted pear float, about 1 1/2m trace and then a set of gang hooks or a single hook depending on bait... The rig for black fish uses a pencil float and a leader similar setup, I've caught bream and groper on that. The idea is to keep the bait just off the bottom or where the fish are instead of bottom bashing. Checkout some rig styles and try a few they have easily reduced my snags to almost nil. The light weighted black fish setup suits an Alvey very well.

Thanks SMn. Always looking to try slightly different rigs. When you say weighted float - do you mean Swivel, Float, Sinker, Swivel, Leader, Hook? Do you run the Float and Sinker freely together between the two swivels?

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Thanks SMn. Always looking to try slightly different rigs. When you say weighted float - do you mean Swivel, Float, Sinker, Swivel, Leader, Hook? Do you run the Float and Sinker freely together between the two swivels?

Yeah I usually use a swivel - float - sinker - small stopper or plastic bead - swivel - anywhere from 40cm up to 150cm leader - hook.

I tie the 1st swivel directly to the line, then a short mono trace with the float and sinker on it tied to another swivel, the plastic stopper or bead is to stop the sinker smashing into the knot on the swivel when casting. If I'm going for distance I have the float and sinker as tight as I can between the 2 swivels so there is less movement. But if Im casting into the wash at my feet then an unweighted float that has a bit of movement up and down the trace is ok, with a pencil float I have a swivel then a free running float on a long leader spilt shot to help the bait sink and then the hook..

As RichieR suggested you can buy weighted floats but I like to change sinker depending on conditions so don't mind tying the swivel - float - sinker - swivel rig.

The longer the leader the more the bait sits in the current or sinks nearer the bottom. If I am retrieving for pelagics I tend to have a shorter leader, for a quicker retrieve, but if I am soaking a bait then a longer leader allows the bait to drift down better. Sinkers can be anything from slipt shot to 00 to 9 ball,that I have used.

Hopefully the weather holds up this arvo so I can try the Alvey 650grbc off the rocks. I will be using the swivel - float - sinker - swivel setup, with a 1.2m leader to single hook baited with a strip of squid. I will be fast retrieving as I would a lure, hopefully this produces something!

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Yeah I usually use a swivel - float - sinker - small stopper or plastic bead - swivel - anywhere from 40cm up to 150cm leader - hook.

I tie the 1st swivel directly to the line, then a short mono trace with the float and sinker on it tied to another swivel, the plastic stopper or bead is to stop the sinker smashing into the knot on the swivel when casting. If I'm going for distance I have the float and sinker as tight as I can between the 2 swivels so there is less movement. But if Im casting into the wash at my feet then an unweighted float that has a bit of movement up and down the trace is ok, with a pencil float I have a swivel then a free running float on a long leader spilt shot to help the bait sink and then the hook..

As RichieR suggested you can buy weighted floats but I like to change sinker depending on conditions so don't mind tying the swivel - float - sinker - swivel rig.

The longer the leader the more the bait sits in the current or sinks nearer the bottom. If I am retrieving for pelagics I tend to have a shorter leader, for a quicker retrieve, but if I am soaking a bait then a longer leader allows the bait to drift down better. Sinkers can be anything from slipt shot to 00 to 9 ball,that I have used.

Hopefully the weather holds up this arvo so I can try the Alvey 650grbc off the rocks. I will be using the swivel - float - sinker - swivel setup, with a 1.2m leader to single hook baited with a strip of squid. I will be fast retrieving as I would a lure, hopefully this produces something!

Good luck with the weather mate - looking forward to hear about your session.

Thanks a lot for the info - it really does help and opens up a lot of options for me to try when I'm out next. Starting to explore some of the stones at Maroubra - close to home. Avoiding some of the trickier ones I've heard of in various posts across this site. Watched a spot last night after work which looked promising. A few ledges to cast from where you can stay safe and dry providing you have the right gear. I was there just after low tide and it was more than safe, but I want to go again during a high tide to watch a bit more before I fish it.

Also really looking forward to a trip with Bellissimo I've booked for next month!

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Mate I've been contemplating a trip with the b-man, to rich for me at the moment though. There's some good clips on youtube of him fishing the stones around Sydney if you haven't seen them yet. No luck off the rocks Friday or beach yesterday, however, went for a snorkel and there are some massive whiting around the weed beds at Avoca, almost as big as a decent sambo around 40cm +. I would be very interested in hearing how you go on your guided tour, keep me posted if you can?!? Always pays to be safe then sorry with the rocks regardless of swells...

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I'll let you know how it goes. I don't look at it as a cost for one trip, but as improvement and knowledge for every trip thereafter.

Haven't heard a negative word about Al yet...

Sent from my Galaxy Note II using Tapatalk 2

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